Siamese Tiger


New Member
Jul 20, 2004
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Hi Peoples

I have not long had my 80g brackish tank going, currently stocked with 3 monos, 5 scats (4 Silver and one loan Red)

Is it possible to have a Siamese Tiger with these guys??? I been given differing opinions from different LFS and not sure if i should do it or not.


bump..... anyone have any ideas or experience with this??
That combination will work fine, i currently have a siamese tiger in a 80g brackish with 3 mono's, 2 scats, 2 shark cats, 2 morays and a dragon goby. Siamese tigers are only dangerous to fish that can fit into their mouths so as long as any tankmates are over 5" when full grown they should be safe.
TorPeteO said:
I'll reply so you know at least someone's reading this...but I haven't got any help for you, sorry.
Just a spam poster....

Anyway, I BELIEVE that setup will do fine.. Whenever I was afraid about adding a fish to my new tank, I would watch it for the first hour or so, and then watch it again the next day, so that the first day watch when he/she is adjusting, he/she isn't getting much trouble from the other fish and on the second day, see if the new fish is pestering any other fish..
Thanks for your replies....... all excited about getting the Siam.... I have liked these for ages....... :D

And its no worries about watching it... i find it hard to keep my eyes off my fish tanks...... proves T.Vs are a waste of money!!!

Cheers :)


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