Siamese Fihgting Fish Has Died Need Help


New Member
Mar 7, 2008
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I recently went on holiday for a month, i had my mother in law come in and feed my fish for the first 2 weeks in which all my fish where alive (1 siamese fighting fish and 4 black neon tetra's) The last two weeks my neighbour popped in and fed them.
I arrived home today and realised that my fighting fish is no longer in the tank, my nieghbour doesn't know all the fish i have so when she said they where all alive she must have meant the small 4!
I seen part of the body at the bottom of my tank (a 30l biorb), i went to fish it out however now it ahs com,pletely vanished. it was not the full body it was only part of it so im thining maybe he died a couple of weeks ago and the small fish have nawed him a bit, this happened when i had 4 blue neon tetra's; their bodies where never found.
I have done a 10l water change, my other 4 fish and so far very happy! I want to add more fish in my tank and was going to do it today.
Is it wrong to add a fish so soon after the other has died?
Is it bad i cant find the body?
Can i get an algae eater with my type of tank?
Can anyone suggest any fish i should get?

Thanks for your help
so you were away for a month and 2 weeks? did your mother in law or neighbours do a water change ? because if not your fighter probs died of ammonia or nitrite build up..even so its a long time to go withought a water change :blink: spesh with tank that small, dont add any other fish untill you know the cause of death.
i checked the ammonia level before i did a water change and it was all fine!! and my neons are still alive. if it was ammonia level would my neon not have died as well? does it matter that i cant find the body.
I was only away for 4 weeks, the first two my mother in law did it and the last two my neighbour did it. Ive went 4 weeks without water change and my levels have been fine before!
its quite odd you cant see a body, but if yo say you saw half of a body then the other fish might just have nibbled at the carcass. neons and fighters generally shouldnt be kept together anyway because they will nip his fins, same with most other tetras too.
whats you nitrite and nitrate readings? is your tank cycled? its impossible to tell really if he died o an illness seeing as his body as been eaten.

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