Siamese Fighting Fish

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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RandomWiktor said:
Regardless of what you put your bettas in now, make sure that you have control of the water temperature in your new bowl or tanks. Temperature's of 65-80 with the 70's being ideal is the best temperature for these guys, though they can survive in lower.
I would suggest you check your own advice and do some research. Temperatures of less then 67 or 68 degrees is cold enough to cause hypothermia in bettas, increasing the risk oif illness and death.
OK, I've had to remove a number of posts from this thread. Please continue to post and help this new fishkeeper resolve the problems she is having with all her fish.

Hi pisceslady :)

I'm sorry for the problem that happened on your thread and hope you will now get the assistance you need. :)

Is your tank cycled? It would help us diagnose the problem if we had a better overall picture of what is happening in the tank. Please answer the questions I asked earlier.

Thanks :D
::Shrugs:: I've always heard 70's is best so that is what I've kept them in, hence my saying so, but I've heard from multiple places that 65 is about so low as you can safely go. However, thankyou for pointing that out, as it was faulty information, and I will double check the sources for that information and inform them as you have informed me. I had done research, but apparently a small portion of that information was incorrect.
Either way, I've corrected it on the origional post now.
RandomWiktor said:
::Shrugs:: I've always heard 70's is best so that is what I've kept them in, hence my saying so, but I've heard from multiple places that 65 is about so low as you can safely go. However, thankyou for pointing that out, as it was faulty information, and I will double check the sources for that information and inform them as you have informed me. I had done research, but apparently a small portion of that information was incorrect.
Either way, I've corrected it on the origional post now.
Mid 70's - low 80's is ideal.

Sorry for coming off snippity. Long day, not your fault but I gave you some of it anyway. Hope it's not too late to say welcome to the board. :thumbs:
S'allright. We all have those days, and I'm glad that you pointed out the error.

And, Piceslady: I'm glad to hear that your fish have found placement ^^. Its great that you decided to find them a new home instead of dispose of them, I'm sure the fish are very thankful. :nod: You should have a word with the store's manager about the misleading information; usually, guppies are on the top of the list for what not to put in with bettas, so obviously the person selling to you misled you deliberately to make money. They should be given a good stern talk by their manager before more fish get hurt by other unsuspecting owners.
I'm glad you got this resolved and that someone was willing to take your bettas :)

Your guppies tails should grow back soon. I find that I sometimes get an agressive guppy who will attack the others and trash their tails :grr: but that's just fish I'm afraid. I find that growing fry are the worst ever for this. Must be all those hormones racing around :fun:

I hope you continue to use the forum and all the useful advice that is on here. As you have already found, lfs' don't always give out the correct advice so its good to research the fish you are interested in before buying. The search facility on here is excellent and I use it often myself

Welcome to the forum :D
Hi Everyone, Just to give you a little update.. I visited pisceslady today and have taken on her pair of Betta's. They are now settling in nicely to there new home..

The female has joined two other females in one aquarium and the male is now on his own in another. Will post some pics of them on my site, when I get a chance.

Now I have 6 male Betta's (All housed seperatly, before someone ask's LOL) and 3 Females.. :thumbs:

Many thanks to pisceslady, nice to meet you. :D

All the Best! bettauk
Hi BettaUK :)

It was very kind of you to help pisceslady out by housing her problem fish. Now she will be able to better care for the remaining ones and the bettas will also get the experienced care they need to thrive.

I do hope pisceslady returns and updates us on her current situation. :D

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