Siamese Fighting Fish

Yeah, they are usually absolute terrors. I would return them and inform the seller that they aren't peaceful. You should be able to get full store credit. I would recommend 6-10 oto cats instead. They stay small like to school and are great algae eaters.
thereverendturtle said:
I would recommend 6-10 oto cats instead. 
Could be a good addition, depending on how mature and stable the tank is. I believe tanks are usually recommended to be at least 6 months old and even then certain people tend to have their Oto's just die on them. Not trying to put you off of them (they certainly are nice little fish), just something to bear in mind.
Dubfellas said:
So, i got a fighter and 3 golden sucking loach, that i was assured would live fine with my tetra, rasbora, catfish etc. but since iv got home with them earlier i have seen one of them chase my catfish and read that they are agressive fish? This was not conveyed to me at the fish shop. We are considering getting rid of them already as we dont Want the. Hurting or stressing our existing fish. What your folks veiws on the loachs?
Many employees at a LFS don't really know much about fish, other than the limited information they are given in their "training".  Never count on the LFS to give you proper advice on fish when you are in the store.  If you see something in the store that you like, make a note of it, and then go home and do some proper research on the fish.  Many LFS will sell tankbusting fish to people with nanotanks, because they just don't ask the questions.  They either don't want to know, or don't care to know.
Ultimately, as the fishkeeper, it is your responsibility to research your fish.  They are your responsibility to care for, and you need to know what you are putting together in the tank.  You wouldn't put hippopotamus together with smaller grazing animals like antelopes in a small pen.  The hippos, while "herbivores" are highly territorial and are widely considered the most dangerous wild animal in Africa (at least if you look at human deaths).  They have been known to feed on the carcasses of other animals, such as wildebeests, etc.  Does that mean that its the hippo's fault if they attack, harass or kill the antelopes?  Or is it the fault of the person who puts the hippos in the wrong enclosure?  The same is true of these loaches.  Hippos are best kept with crocodiles, even though one is a herbivore and the other is a predator.  Its all about knowing the animal's behaviors and its natural companions to know what to put together.
Behaviour and Compatibility
Though normally sold as such this species is largely unsuitable for the general community aquarium. This does not mean to say it must be kept alone, rather that tankmates must be chosen with care.
While small specimens tend to hide away much of the time they become increasingly territorial as they grow and can display particularly high levels of aggression towards similar-looking  fishes such as Crossocheilus, Epalzeorhynchos, or Garra spp.

Other bottom-dwelling fishes including cichlids and most catfishes are best avoided as they may be picked on it may even attach itself to the flanks of larger tankmates in order to feed on their body mucus.
For the upper levels choose robust, active cyprinids, characids, or similar. Ideally it should be the final addition to the tank in order to avoid it claiming ownership of the entire space.

Keeping a group is one way to reduce intraspecific aggression but at least half-a-dozen or more individuals should be purchased because they will develop a distinct pecking order and in lesser numbers weaker individuals are more easily targeted. It goes without saying that a very large tank would be needed in order to attempt such a project.

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