Siamese Fighting Fish


New Member
Jan 7, 2013
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
Could i keep one of these with my wcmm, harlequin rasboras, catfish and 2 honey gouramis?
What other small fish that are very active would be good tankmates for the wcmm and rasboras?
I had a siamese fighting fish with black neon tetras and peppered cories. I never had one problem with them. They should be ok with your fish, but I would get some expert advice first.
Possibly not with the gouramis - they are quite similar both being labyrinth fish and the betta may see them as a threat. The rest should be ok, but put the betta in last as he wont think the whole tank is his territory then!

I have mine with cories, shrimp and snails.

How big is the tank?
125L i have:
6x harlequin rasboras,
6x wcmm,
2x pepper cory cats,
2x davidsandsi cory cats
2 red honey gouramis.

What i want to do is re-home the pepper corys and gouramis and have:
6x rasboras,
6x wcmm,
6x neon tetras,
6x davidsandsi
1x fighting fish
And either some shrimp or algea eaters.
Do you think that sound like a good combination?
Based on that, yes, no immediate no-nos (not like a fighter vs gourami suggestion!).

Some fighters view shrimp as a nutritious mid-morning snack. Some only view small shrimp that way. Others ignore shrimp completely. Depends on your individual fighter.
Thats good, sounds promising then incase i cnt get rid of the gouramis. Id like to keep them so maybe il give thm a try n c how they get on
Dubfellas said:
Would it definatly go after my two small red honey gouramis?
Or the other way around.
westmidsgal said:
I brought a Siamese fighting fish last Saturday and its getting on fine with my gouramis and other fish in my tank
For the moment. As in "My pet lion gets on with my kids"

Fighters and Gourami are conspecific species, in the long term, they shouldn't be kept together.
^^^What he said, i would always advise against keeping a Betta with any other kind of Anabantoid, it is kind of a tragedy waiting to happen in my experience.
The gouramis went bk to the shop today, replaced with 6 neons.

So my tank is now:
6 neons
6 harlequins Rasboras
6 gold wcmm
2 pepper corys
2 davidsandsi corys

I want to add another 4 davidsandsi's and either 6 guppys or a fighter, and possibly some shrimp. Does this sound ok?
Sounds fine. The fighter may fancy a bite or two of smaller species of shrimp, but in a largish tank like a 125l, they'd probably be ok. Shrimp can't half move when they want to.
I tried a fighter once, but all my other fish chased it around and I had to take it back to the LFS. I'd like to try again sometime but only have one tank and have it reasonably full of fish that would make a fighter's life a misery.
So, i got a fighter and 3 golden sucking loach, that i was assured would live fine with my tetra, rasbora, catfish etc. but since iv got home with them earlier i have seen one of them chase my catfish and read that they are agressive fish? This was not conveyed to me at the fish shop. We are considering getting rid of them already as we dont Want the. Hurting or stressing our existing fish. What your folks veiws on the loachs?
If you're already considering getting rid of them, I would definitely do it. They can be quite aggressive, and get quite big, certainly compared to the rest of your fish.
I'd say without them, you've got a nice mix once the cories are upped.

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