Siamese Fighting Fish


Fish Herder
Apr 26, 2009
Reaction score
Im going with mother to a bunch of different fish shops to find the healthest fighter and the first one I like... I want to make sure he is as healthy as I can make him... What signs am I looking for, for ill fish ?

Also Im trying not to get a nippy fish. does aggressive ones show any different signs
Things to look for as follows:

Deep, rich body colors

No visible ulcers, boils, or skin problems

No visible scars or wounds

Long and flowing, or short and erect fins; not fins that are ragged,
torn, missing, collapsed, or clamped close to the body

Flat, smooth scales, not protruding from the body

Well-rounded stomach, but no swelling in the abdominal area

Body of normal girth, neither bloated nor emaciated

Visible excreta (fish waste) that is dark, not colorless

Clear eyes, neither clouded nor protruding from the sockets

No visible external parasites, such as ich (small white dots) or velvet
(a dusty gold mist

A healthy betta will:

Swim horizontally, with its head neither elevated nor lowered

Swim without effort

Swim throughout the entire length of the aquarium, not lurk in cor-
ners or hide behind decorations

Breathe normally, not heave rapidly or gulp for air
make sure of no black on the tails end

black tail ends= fin rot



good luck!!

we expect pics when he is settled!! :p
Going off my own exsperiance, iv never seen any betta's even half as nice in my local fish shops as the ones you find online, from all the breeders on here especially.

Yes its more exspencive with postage, but i really do think there worth the money! Some stunning fish come trough here haha.
what sort of set up will he be going into may i ask? as regarding nippyness/aggression, its often other fish that are the problem..

he will be going into a tank with 2 plecos, 2 catfish, 6 plattys, 6 rummynose tetras and 6 hasboras.
Also how big is the tank he's going into? If it's pretty big and there are plenty of plants etc then it would be more likely the betta could live happily and safely with the other fish.
Im getting a CT...

2.5 ft... (Yes i know i will need to sell some of my catfish and plecos when it comes to the time.... well planted and a little hide with alot of plants around it for him to hide..
Length - 31.5 Inches
Height - 16 Inches
Depth - 1 Ft / 12 Inches

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