Siamese Fighting Fish

No guppies, gouramis, tiger barbs, goldfish, shark, mostly its better to keep them alone.
not very many fish are ok with them.
but are we talking male or female?
I have a Kuhli Loach with mine. You could also do snails or a dwarf frog.

It's going to depend on if it's a male or female though. You have get away with more if it's a female.
It will be a male. Thanks for info but one more question, out of the fish named what is the general reason not to keep them with a male siamese fighting fish?

More for my own knowledge than anything else. Thanks
They might nip the fin and kill each o ther. For guppies they think that it is another male and for the other fish they are fin nippers.
For fish with long fins, the betta may see them as a threat and attack them. Things like guppies fit in this catagory.

For things like tiger barbs, they're know fin nippers and will make quick work of a betta's fins.
Guppies because they will look at their lovely long tails and in the bettas head they see another betta, not a guppy.

Tetras, barbs and sharks are nippy and therefore your betta may well end up with no fins left.

Gouramis because they inhabit the same are of the tank and are territorial, so they and the betta would fight.

With every betta it's a hit and miss as some will be more docile than others. Your best bet is non-nippy, non-brightly coloured/fast moving fish. Most bottom dwellers are OK, but have somewhere spare to put the betta just in case.
I have mine with zebra danios, silver hatchets and a ruby tailed shark. They all get on fine, no probs. In fact, the SFF and shark share the same cave a lot of the time and seem quite happy with each other.
Thanks for all the info people. Appreciate it. i think my plan of action now then is to eventually transfer my fish from the small tank (30l) to the new big tank(120l), when ready, then if i choose to get SFF i'll use the small tank for it with a few little friendly fish that they won't fight with.

I'll see though for now, given me a lot to ponder. Thanks
I had 2 cory cats with my betta and he removed too much of the fins of one and nipped the fins off the other. I moved them to the other tank but they still died. Now all that is in the tank with him is a red claw crab. They seem to avoid each other. :dunno: I didn't see any fighting with the cories either though.
I had a male fighter fish when i first set up my tank and had no problems with him and other fish in the tank. unfortunatley he died and i replaced him with another who was far more aggressive and attacked every other fish in the tank. he stayed with me for about 2 days before i rehomed him in a friends tank and with bigger fish. and to this day he has caused no problems and is still alive.

I think they are really good looking fish but i would never put another in my tank.

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