Hi there deansplit, I have not noticed you here before. In that case let me extend you a welcome.
In my opinion, and it is just that, you have fallen victim to the fantasy that simply because a Betta splendens will not tolerate another member of his own species, it is somehow not suitable to place with other fish. I disagree strongly with that opinion. I find a Betta splendens to be a rather mild mannered fish in most situations who will almost always yield to other fish in a community setting. Let's get real here. That poor guy is likely to become a victim in anything but the most peaceful of tanks. I keep my big veiltail male in an endler tank where he even fails to control the population explosion caused by fertile endler females. He is a real gentleman when it comes to interacting with my endlers. Why people insist on treating Betta splendens as aggressive tank mates simply eludes me. I have never seen a truly aggressive male in my many years of keeping Betta splendens with other fish.