Siamese Algae Eaters W/ Africans


Jun 16, 2003
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Does anyone have Siamese Algae Eaters (foxes) in with their Africans? if so, ever hear of anything for or against it?
Never come accross anyone who has done it but they should be able to hold their own. I can't see a problem with trying it provided you can return the SAE if problems arise.
i have 2 SAE's in another tank, so I could easily move one into the tank. if it doesn't work out, he can go right back where he came from.
I had acouple of Chinese ones and they did fine my labs and peacocks ignored them. I had an auratus who enjoyed chewing on them though. Probably depends on the individual fish.
i have 2 SAE's in another tank, so I could easily move one into the tank. if it doesn't work out, he can go right back where he came from.

i currently have 3 Siamese Flying Fox in with my 4 Mainganos and 5 Elec Yellows, and there has not been a problem with them... i have a fairly aggressive maingano, but he doesn't seem to bother the FF's... they happily jus school around at the bottom of my tank and in my rock features :) i dont think there will be a problem putting them together...
I put two in my Malawi tank. One vanished within days (eaten), the other has been there for months and seems to be happily coexisting with the cichlids.

Give it a try, can't hurt as they are only a couple bucks.

I've had my two SAE since way before I ever got cichlids. They are about 4 inches long now...pretty big suckers themselves hehe. Never ever seen any fish pick on them at all. Running with 4 Rusty's, 3 yellow labs, and a few inch-long guys I got this week. Have previously had a red top that I had to get rid of due to aggression, and even he didn't pick on the SAE.

Talked to my LFS about a month ago about cichlid-only tanks, and he said SAE and plecos were fine. But you have to watch that they don't latch on to your cichlids. He said if the SAE can grab another fish, they'll try to suck the slime coating off of them. Never seen anything like that with mine, but it's what he said, so I'll pass it on. Hope this helps (albeit a long time after original post)...
I have a algae eater and he seems to have taken a dislike to my Nimbochromis polystigma, he chases him/her around the tank, dosent even give the other cichlids a second look.

Maybe it's because they are of similar color??

I dont think he realises that he will one day be big enough to eat him
"But you have to watch that they don't latch on to your cichlids. He said if the SAE can grab another fish, they'll try to suck the slime coating off of them."

This sounds more like a chinese algea eater, who as adults stop eating algea and concentrate on fish. I have added a siamese to my african tank and so far so good.

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