Siamese Algae Eater Fry?

The male has finally let them out of the cave. I counted about 70 in total but maybe more hiding :)
Here's a few of them getting straight to work on the glass lol


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oh wow! How cute are they!! I hope they survive :)
A lot of them squeezed behind my 3D background :0
Hopefully they find their way back out
I'm sure they will.
My BN is currently in the process of destroying another amazon sword leaf and I'm too tired now to try and stop him
Woke up this morning and checked on them, nearly all of them are behind there now
I got the tank second hand with the background already in. I should have taken it out or at least re fitted it as the guy didn't do a great job.
Just a few blobs of silicone, but there is a gap almost 10mm behind it on both sides of the tank. Hopefully they come out before they are to big to squeeze back round.
one thing ... at least they'll be safe behind there until too big to be eaten. Hopefully they'll have the sense to come out before they have to be forcibly removed by you ripping your background out lol
That's true they'll be safe from being eaten, and hopefully there is enough food for them behind there to keep them going for a bit.
Gonna give them till next weekend and if they haven't ventured out yet I'll consider removing the background.
Hopefully it comes off easily as not to disturb the tank too much.
I'll have a look for a new background picture to apply to the outside of the tank instead
I'll bet the slime coat round the back of there will be enough to sustain them for weeks. I'd leave it as long as you can
Yeah there is plenty of gunk behind there, will they survive on that?
Looks more like a bio hazard to me lol

If they will eat that then they can stay behind there until they run out of room, then I'll tear down the background.
The more they eat the less I have to clean when I remove it
if there's loads of 'gunk' they'll get nice and chunky on it. I reckon they're in the best place there. Plenty of food and safety from larger hungry mouths
That's great then :)
The only problem I have then is that the gap behind the background is bigger than the gap at the side of it they went through to get there.
So if they do get nice and chunky and stay behind there I'm definitely gonna have to tear it down later so they aren't stuck there lol
I think they'll find their way out when they start running out of room but only time will tell. Keep us posted with how they go :)
Still no pics of the fry, a lot of them have come out but they're hiding at the back on the filter housing lol.
Just thought I'd let you know that both males are guarding eggs again :)
oh wow, sounds like your tank is a fertile as mine lol! My angels are considering spawning currently. Female is cleaning leaves and chasing other fish away from the plant she's cleaning. She's not fully dropped her tube yet so until I see that I'm not expecting anything

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