Siamease Algae Eaters


Fish Crazy
Sep 20, 2004
Reaction score
UK , South Wales.
I was given a pair of these about a year ago, both are around 5" in length and they look lush and healthy.
They have until now swam, eat and slept together.
Around about a month ago the one decides that during feeding time it does'nt like the other 1 around also eating , and as soon as it sees it former best freind eating it chases it very quickly away from the food. But at night they still sleep side by side and during the day they will rest together?? :sly:

Im sure its got a bit smaller due to stress and not getting enough food, :/ any ideas ????
Are you sure they are siamese algae eaters? Siamese algae eaters look like this and chinese algae eaters look like this or you could have this which is a common pleco.
Yes im 100% sure they are siamese algae eaters, i had them from Becs66 about a year ago .

why are you asking if im sure what they are?
Sorry I just wanted to check since I didn't think siamese algae eaters got that big. I thought they only grew to about 3" or so. They're bigger than my common pleco.
It's unlikely your SAE has gotten smaller, it's more likely that the other 1 grew because it's getting more food now, and depriving the other 1 from it. Which will mean you can notice a difference in the size gap between them.

As for the chasing, I'd say it's quite normal really. Mine do the exact same thing, yet are definatly still best friends. I wouldn't worry about it, just keep an eye on how much food the 'chased' one is getting, to make sure he will still get enough. If it looks like he isn't getting enough food, try adding some food after the lights have gone off. They still tend to swim around for a bit then, and he will notice the food. You could also try feeding him on the other end of the tank at the same time. If neither seem to work, leaving some cucumber in there for a day + night should give him some time to at least get some food in.
Cheers wilder for the link, i had read it before and that was how i realised that i had a pair of SAE,
im still unsure to why the 1 is being nasty towards the other 1 at feeding time? :(

cheers Erised, still im wondering as to what has changed to have made this happen tho.
I think (notice the *think* it will simply have been caused by them getting older. Once they get older they tend to become more territorial. He'll realise that the tank is big enough for them both, but the food only comes in once a day ... he'll want to get as much as possible, and being the stronger (or at least, less laid back one) right now he'll see it as his right to get as much food as he wants. It will probably get worse the bigger the size gap between them gets. Thankfully, if they're both around 5 inches already, you won't have much to worry about there.
It would be a shame to seperate them but as the smaller 1 gets chased often, theres a look of stress and thats what my main concern is realy. I feed them quite often to make sure every 1 gets some, but still the chasing goes on even when the bigger 1 has had its feed.

ill be removing the angels soon and that might make a difference. :thumbs:
Mean't be a pecking order i have a go at the food first.

Glad to hear some of the fish are still around! Is the angel I gave you still alive, he was always one of my favourite, even though he wasn't terribly bright! Not too sure why the SAEs should suddenly fall out they were alway best mates, and I had them as adults for a fair while. A bigger group might help, they used to be in a trio, but the problem is you can't buy them that size so the juvenilles might get pulped!

Hi Becs, some of the fish were given to a friend of mine the angel was one of them, ive not spoke to him for a while. I think its still going though. The zebra danios and 2 of the cardinals are still in with the SAE.

I saw an ad of yours on the aquarist-classifieds the other day and it reminded me why you gave me your fish, you were going to try your hand at cichlids. From the ad it looks like you've done well and have bred them!! B)

The SAE are one of my favorite fish - Thanks for that!! ;)

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