Shyboy: Then And Now


Rabid Betta Activist
Jan 24, 2005
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I have been working on a page to showcase some of my rescued bettas, and I came across a picture of Shyboy from the first week that I had him. I don't know if anyone that would remember is still around, but he's the one who almost starved to death in the Petstore because, being unusually high-strung, he refused to eat in human presence. I actually had to get him strong enough to swim using liquid fry food, and his tank had to be darkened and covered on all sides during feeding him or he'd panic, slam into the glass, and refuse to eat. Anyways, this is what he looked like week one, when he was still hideously underweight, but at least strong enough to sit upright (he spent the first few days on his side)


Sorry for the shoddy image quality; the pic was taken with my VERY old digital.

and here is Shyboy today!

Not too shabby, eh? Oh, and just because I know many people don't approve of betta rescue since it funds stores with bad husbandry practice - don't worry. I got a refund for him after two days using the body of a deceased fish that was sitting in my freezer waiting to be burried.
Very nice!! :wub:

Good quality picture too.. what kind of camera do you have?
Well done, He looks like how i expect my rescue to turn out like.
Does he eat in human presence now?
Wow, what a difference! He looked so thin and clampy and now he's just gorgeous.
Cheers for you and lil' Shyboy! :hooray:
WOW!!! that's great!! i remember when you first got him and had such a hard time getting him to settle down! congrats on a job well done!! :good:
aww look at him now :wub:

I too remember him. Well done you for all your patience with him, good job :D
What a handsome little man he turned out to be :wub:
Heh, thanks everyone ^^

To answer the question about his eating habits, its interesting. He remained very jumpy for a very long time, but his personality has developed from terrified of humans and high strung, to extremely lazy with agression towards humans; he loves to just hang out in his cave or plants, except during feeding time when he starts "strutting" around flaring, and whenever someone walks through the door, he swims over and has a massive flare-fest at them. Quite the personality change! The rest of my boys have been much more consistent.

Oh, and re: the camera, it is a Canon Powershot S70. I wouldn't usually be able to afford such a camera, but I had a friend who does photography who wished to "retire" it for a newer model. Its quite a spectacular camera for close-ups; you can photograph something as close as 1in from the lens with very nice clarity. My only complaint is the digital zoom; the normal zoom maintains clarity perfectly, but the digital zoom is kindof... awful, for a lack of a beter word. :lol:

Just had to add this pic - its quite the testament to how much his personality has changed!

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