Shy Corys

If you can rule out poor health as an issue, then adding more corys would probably help them get over their shyness. They are schooling fish and are less likely to be stressed when there is a larger number of them.

Until you find out if this is the problem, I suggest you wait to get gouramis, since these fish can behave in an aggressive way and make them feel even more threatened. :D
How many more cories do you think i should add?

Thanks for the help
Hi Gnatfish :)

I just looked over the sizes of the fish you already have, and your tank looks like it's already pretty full, if all the fish are at their full size. I would think twice about adding any more fish at all.

If you do add some, don't add more than one or two, and plan to increase the size and frequency of your water changes and bottom vacuuming. Since the corys live on the bottom, where all the dirt falls, they are the ones most likely to be effected first by less than ideal water conditions.

Maybe it's time to start thinking about getting a bigger tank. :D
Thanks for all the help

The fish aren't at the adult sizes yet, but i'm still trying to treat them like they are. The cories are adults though.

Maybe it's time to start thinking about getting a bigger tank :D

Yes this would be great!!!

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