shy blackskirts?


Feb 17, 2004
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Chambersburg, PA (USA)
Lately my 2 blackskirt (black widow, black tetra, etc.) tetras have been extremely shy. They were a riot when I first got them in February, always chasing each other and rocketing to the surface to get food. They've gotten more reclusive over time and now they barely come out when the light is on.

Do they get shy with age, or is it something else? It's gotten insanely chilly lately in the apartment, but the heater keeps the tank around 74 F.

(**I also know I should have more than 2, but it was a noob mistake back in February, and I neither want to give them up nor get more**)
My immediate reaction when I saw you had just the 2 was that they probably have some insecurity issues and that you should get some more, however, if you don't want more, then you'll need to find out what is making them feel insecure. It could be thousands of things, new fish, changed environment, the list is endless. Some fish do become more skittish as they get older.
i also made the mistake of just getting two and they were shy in the same way that yours are. however, they were in a small tank and once i moved them into the 55g tank they have opened up a lot more and swim around in the open instead of hanging out under a bogwood bridge.
Not sure why they are shy all of a sudden. I have noticed that my original two were the same way and that even when in groups they are rather skittish.

Possible means to make them feel more comfortable:
Add more skirts
Add other fish that would give them a feeling of safety
No rapid movements, banging, etc. on your part.
I do feel badly for them since they're the only two skirts, but my experience with taking fish back to the lfs is that they usually do poorly or go to a bad home (where they do poorly). Did this with the 2 glass cats I bought when I was a noob, and I kinda regret it.

They've been slightly more active in the past couple days - yesterday they chomped down on some big flakes from a new container instead of the usual crumbly bottom of the old container, and today they devoured some bloodworms. One just seems really happy with its niche in the plants.

I do enjoy the blackskirts, but I can't accomodate a shoal in my 20 high without getting rid of almost every other fish. :X *feelings of guilt*

Thanks for the replies :)
They do gulp down those big flakes, don't they? :D Mine can take two or three before they spit out parts of the flakes.

Glad to see they're better. :D

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