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Bettas all ready to move......OPE....forgot how scandalous this is.... :/


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freshmike said:
Bettas all ready to move......OPE....forgot how scandalous this is.... :/
Absolutely awesome......
I'll be looking forward to pics at your new place.
Photos should be as good....hopefully :/ , just a few less fish...or many less fish. Just the good ones. :p Will still have a lot of tanks space (approx. 1/3 of what I had before, still over 200 gallons) So I am able to keep most of my favorites. Have sold so many though...and given many away as well. Let's just say the cichlids and bettas are A LOT closer in population now. :crazy:
Awsome Tanks Mike.

I Am Hoping You can get some more fish and tanks when ya move, wish I could help, it's sad :(

When I'm in my own house I am going to have so much more than my 8 that I have now.

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