Shut Down Daisy Polyp


Fish Addict
Nov 3, 2010
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I have 2 daisy polyp frags literally 2" from each other and 1 is completely fine and the other one has completely shut down and hasn't opened at all for a few days. Any ideas ?
Are they frags from the same colony or separate colonies?
Water params? Is there anything in the tank that might be nipping at them? Any other corals near by? How much light and flow are they in? Is one getting more than the other?
i find sometimes when the temp is higher than usual my GSP do this
There frags from different colonies. Water Parameters are 0 amm,nitrite,nitrate and phosphate. 1.025 Salinity.

There both getting exactly the same flow and light the only difference really between the 2 is the one that has shutdown has been in the tank longer than the other one. I did see a hermit crawling over the one that shutdown but think this was probably just coincidence rather than the cause of the problem.

I don't have anything that would nip in my tank unless it's a hitchhiker. Got CUC and a kole tang at moment.
There frags from different colonies. Water Parameters are 0 amm,nitrite,nitrate and phosphate. 1.025 Salinity.

There both getting exactly the same flow and light the only difference really between the 2 is the one that has shutdown has been in the tank longer than the other one. I did see a hermit crawling over the one that shutdown but think this was probably just coincidence rather than the cause of the problem.

I don't have anything that would nip in my tank unless it's a hitchhiker. Got CUC and a kole tang at moment.

Was reading in Borneman that even corals of the same species but from different colonies will engage in chemical warfare. Perhaps the new coral felt threatened and the older coral didn't know how to react. I'll reread that section in the Borneman to confirm, but I thought it was absolutely fascinating. Agressive little things, these corals.

Will get back to you in the evening.

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