Shrimpy Setup


Fish Expert
Feb 26, 2011
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Thought i would start a new journal as it is now very different to my old shrimp setup.

Right, 55 litre tank with Cherry Shrimp and 6 Sparkling Gourami's. Probably 50-60 Shrimp, not bad considering Caz only sent me 20 a few months back.

Plants are:

Anubias Heterophilla
Cabomba Caroliana
Elodea Densa
Java Fern
Pogostemon Helferi

Not really a scape, more of a 'chuck some plants in to give the shrimp some cover' setup.

Started off like this:


Then i added a 3D background which is actually one for a vivarium, but seeing as it was a tenner i thought it was worth a go as oppose to a Juwel one which would be about £30!






And one with just the LED nightlights on:


Excuse the murky water and bubbles on the glass, due to only just fitting the background.
Looks good mate. I like it better with the background. Your Helferi looks pretty big. Is that home grown or recently purchased?
Sorry, I meant as in tall and bushy. It looks really healthy and has great colour. You adding any other species of Shrimp?
Is that a good thing? :unsure:

It's probably suffering a little for light as i think the tube is old so would benefit from a new one i guess. It's getting liquid carbon and EI fert.

As for shrimp, i'm unsure. Would like to, but i'm quite happy with Cherries. I would like Tigers or Blue Tigers though ultimately.
looks good =] another tank? >.>
Yes lol I think it looks nice. I guess that was my roundabout way of saying it.

Blue Tigers are nice. Good luck finding them. They did have some on a while back for around £10 each. I read that they are not a natural colour strain though so they are quite delicate and their offspring do not always turn out blue. They look stunning, as do black Tigers.
Thanks for the info. I would be very happy with normal Tigers though tbh, they're stunning... But would they show up like Cherries do? That would be the only downside. Plus, Cherries are pretty easy to care for and they breed like bunnies!!

Mike not it's not another tank, i've had it a while. It used to be a fry tank for some Ellioti and HRP, but has been a shrimp tank for a few months now.
I have only ever seen Tigers once in a shop and they were inbetween Amano and Cherries for their depth of colour. I was looking for some more last month but could not find them anywhere. The black and white Bee Shrimp / Crystal Shrimp or Bumble Bee Shrimp would look well in that tank though.
I saw those ones, but when I asked the guy if the colour of the stock looked like the picture, he said no as he uses standard pics...
I have some tigers mate (65p each lol), when they breed, you'll get first dibs. :good:
yes, i know...a reete bargain! They are a mix of blue and normal ones. I have persuaded my local LFS to start doing shrimp, so he's going to get some more in and they're going to go at £2 each.

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