
I have something to tell you about Bamboo shrimps.
Initially, when I first started keeping Bamboo shrimps, I was really excited about them.

But after a few months, I realized that they looked like cockroaches and they are ugly....LOL.

You might want to reconsider keeping them.

By the way, they can eat powder food.
Dennerle has a food specially made for them.

thanks, i dont mind them looking like cockroaches. any shrimp up close has something close to a trilobite LOLOL
I have vampire shrimp and bamboo shrimp in my 125L tank. The tank has three powerheads, so it has the current of a small river. The shrimp usually park themselves in the strongest part of the current and filter feed. They get the Dennerle stuff, plus whatever else wafts around the tank. I don't turn the powerheads off when I feed them, as the shrimp seem to know where to sit and feed from the current.

Tried cherry shrimp. Didn't work. I'm pretty sure the plecos enjoyed their shrimp cocktails, though. Whoops. That said, there's one cherry shrimp which must be the world's toughest cherry shrimp, because I still see it occasionally.
Red nose shrimps are interesting and they are bigger.

They hover around like helicopters.

You can try this species too.
Hello :)
Guppies and Cories aren't a concern to shrimps. About swordtails maybe a lil less.

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