I would not risk any shrimp with any gourami, I had sparkling gouramis at one point and even though small they still hunted and killed (mostly through constant nipping and harrasment) the once thriving cherry shrimp population that was in the tank.
Some loaches such as Khuli loaches are fine with shrimp, I have found some of my large shrimp species do ok with dwarf chain loaches and even my Pakastani (yo-yo) loaches seem to leave the majority of my shrimp alone, most other loaches I suspect would see any shrimp as a nifty mobile snack.
Tetras also will have a go at shrimp, my black neon tetras used to make speeding attacks on any cherry shrimp unwary enough to risk swimming through open water, although they did seem to leave shrimp that where just wondering around on the plants or substrate alone.