
The clear one looks like its an amano shrimp but i dont know what the other 2 she has are? they are white with black eyes...

£4.99 dont sound to bad :D was just in town and they have 5 japonica algea shrimp @ £3.50 each... The shops closing down on the 22nd for good so i mite go in later on and see if they will just sell them off cheaper :S I think i will have to go into the city to the aquatics shops and ask them or mite phone them up after dinner -_- How well do shrimp travle because i live about an hour and 20min drive from the shops there... had a bit of a bad experience once :(


My Amono Shrimp had to wait 4 hours unfortunately. But they were all absolutely fine.
I'm sure anything under 2 hours bagged up you should really have no worries.
My amano shrimp were £2.50 each but they were tiny :/
My bamboo shrimp was quite large - so hence the expensive London price I guess.

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