Shrimp Type

Better is Betta

Feb 9, 2011
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I thought I'd aim this question at mainly those who live in Australia and has a sound knowledge of shrimp species...but anyone overseas that are willing to give input are quite welcome to. I live in North Queensland in the tropics and the biggest river that runs through my area is the Barron River. I collected some shrimps on the weekend in this river hoping to find the Barron river Zebra shrimp. But I ended up with something not quite like the Zebra shrimp but similar. I tried looking for this type of shrimp on the net but have come up with nothing. Anyone out there like to give it a shot of what you may think it is. :good:

Sorry not the clearest pics as the little rotters wouldn't sit still for long.




Thats the best I can do at this stage with you can see they have a black and white collar, black and white spots on the centre of their backs and down near the tail.
I am sort of wondering if perhaps they a juvi Queensland Zebra shrimp, it all depends on their current size, but I know cherry shrimp and I guess other types take a while to develop their full colour. It's that or they are another type all together but perhaps closely related to the QLD Zebra shrimp.
I am sort of wondering if perhaps they a juvi Queensland Zebra shrimp, it all depends on their current size, but I know cherry shrimp and I guess other types take a while to develop their full colour. It's that or they are another type all together but perhaps closely related to the QLD Zebra shrimp.
I'm hoping they are the Zebra shrimp but some are nearly 1cm in length which to me is full grown if you compare them with the cherrys.
Apparently QLD Zebra shrimp get to 2cm (20mm), so might still be in with a chance.
We shall just have to wait and see, do these guys eat bloodworms by any chance? I was just thinking that bloodworms and other such foods can really enhance the colouration of fish when they eat them so that might hold true for shrimp as well. I don't know if your pet shops will have any but my local pet shops have crayfish pellets and my cherry's seem to like them (along with every other conceivable food source :lol: ), my cory's also seem to like these pellets as do the bristle noses so they must taste pretty good.
We shall just have to wait and see, do these guys eat bloodworms by any chance? I was just thinking that bloodworms and other such foods can really enhance the colouration of fish when they eat them so that might hold true for shrimp as well. I don't know if your pet shops will have any but my local pet shops have crayfish pellets and my cherry's seem to like them (along with every other conceivable food source :lol: ), my cory's also seem to like these pellets as do the bristle noses so they must taste pretty good.
They seem to like the meaty stuff and not so much the algae pellets I put in the tank. Yes they do like the bloodworms, fish food and I have been putting in hatched brine shrimps and micro worms. I will check out my lfs and try and locate the crayfish pellets...I think that will suit these little guys very well. :good:
Some updated pics of these unknown shrimp.



Any ideas? anyone? :/

Also these guys



Both types of shrimp where collected in fresh water but that doesn't mean they are a totally fresh water species.

Hope somebody can help :)
Still no ideas ?:/ Anyone? :/

Another distinctive marking is they also have one black and one white dot about mid way along their backs. They are catching up to the size of my full grown adult cherry shrimp females, are highly active and eat everything on offer. Since having these guys in the tank my cherry shrimp in that tank have not decreased so I am guessing they are fine with other shrimp.
Have made a neat discovery with about the shrimp with black and white spots on them and look clear. When I shine a LED torch on them two rows of fluro/ lumionous dots become visable underneath their tail and their bodies take on a bluisg hue, very pretty and amazing to see. I am now continplating about putting some LED lights in the tank permanantly just so I can see the colour all the time.

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