Shrimp Tank Re-Scape


Fish Crazy
Jul 10, 2009
Reaction score
Near Bristol, UK
Had a go at re-doing my cherry/babaulti shrimp tank. Before I had trouble seeing the shrimp at all, they were always hiding the plants or behind the bogwood. But now I've rescaped with a more basic approach. I think they'll be happy since they still have hiding places, but I'm more happy because I can actually see them for once! Quite pleased with the rocks, got them from a beach in devon last weekend. Best of all I rescaped with a budget of £0! (all the plants were already in the tank, nothing new)



Just need to wait for the moss to grow out now, I'll post a new pic up in a couple of months or so.
Looks awesome :good:

I'd love to have a shrimp tank! Have you seen the red claw macro shrimp? I want a species only for some of those :nod:
awww man that looks fantastic!! such a good change!

Shred, you really do have a good eye for a scape. Well done mate!
Thanks guys, means a lot. I really am happy with it, and quite pleased at myself for actually trying to scape properly for once, rather than doing my usual thing of just bunging plants in as and when I buy them.

And PDsimon, yea I've seen red claw macros, would love to get a macro tank myself, supposedly they have great character.
but your award winning tank was a decent scape. I do think this one is the better though, just don't enter it in this months TOTM cos my tanks in it and this one would give you another winner.
If I'm honest if I'd of entered that tank in any month other than March (I think it was?) then I don't think I would have any chance of winning...

There was some thought put into that tank, but it was more just impulse buys at the lfs and just coming home and planting them where it "looked right".

With this tank I had a planting plan and everything! (not sure how well I stuck to it though...)

Thanks SchottayB, I had a bit of a disaster whilst I was away for the weekend, as the heater died on me. We also had the heating off since there was no one in the house, the tank temp was about 14C :( In the first photo at the back of the tank you can see all the juvenille shrimp, I think I must of had around 40 in all, unfortunatly hardly any of them survived and I think I now have about 15 cherry shrimp in total. The babaulti seemed fine in the cold though, I guess they come from colder climates, but I haven't had any babies from them yet. The moral of the story is never buy an Elite heater.
Looking good :) Get one of the nano external filters if you can though :) That green one spoils the scape and it really is a stunning tank I mean UKAPs quality scape there!!


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