Shrimp Tank + Pic :)

I would strap the moss to the driftwood and instead make a small pile of marimo balls in that central location. The heater could be moved behind the driftwood on the left.

There not marimo balls its java moss on 3 chuks of volcanic rock, it gives two small caves covered in java moss for the tiny shrimps. The heater will need to stay there as a moving bed bio filter is going behined the wood to help with the large volume of shrimp.
I said it was moss and I would replace it with marimo balls if it was my tanks and move the moss. For small caves get a drill and go to town on the driftwood make a shrimp apartment. The bioload for shrimp is very low if you planted well you could go filter free.
I said it was moss and I would replace it with marimo balls if it was my tanks and move the moss. For small caves get a drill and go to town on the driftwood make a shrimp apartment. The bioload for shrimp is very low if you planted well you could go filter free.

ah yes mis read your post, like the drilling idea will give that a ago next tank change. Even with a light bio load i dont think its very fair on the shrimp not use any filter they are very sensative to ammonia and 100+ in small tank is asking for trouble lol
Up to you just remember mother nature doesn't use the moon as a sump to keep the earth alive plants can do the job if properly planned.
As you can see theres not enough plants in there for that and i wont be adding any more but thanks, whats your shrimp tank like?
That is one neat little tank. However, I would change to gravel, shrimps do better in it. Or even better dark gravel to bring out colours.
Shrimps do better in gravel? please elaborate

I like a more natural mix of a little gravel and mainly sand to make a river bottom effect.
Hi, great tank. If you are thinking of putting the yellow shrimp in with the cherries they will cross breed, as they are just different colour variants, so shouldn't be kept together.

cheers :good:
Hi, great tank. If you are thinking of putting the yellow shrimp in with the cherries they will cross breed, as they are just different colour variants, so shouldn't be kept together.

cheers :good:
im going to mimic your tank with a couple more plants hope you dont mind lol i love it
Hi, great tank. If you are thinking of putting the yellow shrimp in with the cherries they will cross breed, as they are just different colour variants, so shouldn't be kept together.

cheers :good:

Thanks. Im waiting for my 125L to cycle and grow out then ill use that just for yellows, i was on the understanding you can cross breed ,red,yellow etc as long as you dont sell them as their hybrids?

Hi, great tank. If you are thinking of putting the yellow shrimp in with the cherries they will cross breed, as they are just different colour variants, so shouldn't be kept together.

cheers :good:
im going to mimic your tank with a couple more plants hope you dont mind lol i love it

My shrimp must like it i have 4 berried ones today :)
Hi, great tank. If you are thinking of putting the yellow shrimp in with the cherries they will cross breed, as they are just different colour variants, so shouldn't be kept together.

cheers :good:

They are not colour variants of each other Yellow shrimp are normally Neocaridina heteropoda Red cherries are Neocaridina denticulata sinensis. There is a variation of Heteropoda which is red but they are not red cherry shrimp but commonly known as red shrimp there are differences between the 2 species. The species will cross breed though because they are the same genus Neocardinia and physically compatible.
thought i would do an update. Have updated the 1st post with todays pics, think i started with 25 shrimp and i lost count at 60 odd now. they seem happy,hmm i have a spare 220l tank wonder what they would do in there lol
Another update for those who are intrested, less then 20days on and the moss has been cut several times put on a large bit of wood a big tub on the left and still growing in its normal a nice deep green colour to it as well :good:

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