Shrimp Safe List

Any livebearer I wouldn't recommend, i've lost a large amount of an adult Shrimps to guppies, aswell as Neon's.
Currently have a colony of Shrimp and Shrimplets with my Ember Tetra'/Micro Rasboras and it all appears well!
mtbdean said:
Any livebearer I wouldn't recommend, i've lost a large amount of an adult Shrimps to guppies, aswell as Neon's.
Currently have a colony of Shrimp and Shrimplets with my Ember Tetra'/Micro Rasboras and it all appears well!

Really? My cardinals and endlers havent touched a single one. Relly depends on the size and type I guess.
Dang I was hoping to add shrimp to my platy tank.  I get the feeling it would be an expensive mistake!
If you buy ghost shrimp, it would be an inexpensive mistake!  :lol:
I had a tiny baby platy that I had transferred via the floaters to the shrimp tank by accident. I left it for a while, until I saw it actively hunting baby shrimp in the moss. It wasn't big enough to eat them, but surely it kept nipping them.
I did have a couple of shrimp with my adult platies, and the shrimp survived but were hiding all the time. I rarely saw them.
Where the shrimp that are with my corys have totally no fear and I've never seen the corys touching a baby shrimp. They eat side by side.
Threadfin rainbowfish are have mouths that are too small to eat shrimp, even shrimplets.
i was looking to get some shrimp for my planted community tank, ive got blue rainbow fish, rosy barbs and serpae tetra's, given that these fish can be quite aggressive (fin nippers), would it be okay to keep shrimp? i quite like the red rili shrimp, cheers
If you had a place for the shrimp to hide that the barbs and tetras couldn't get to, then the shrimp would be okay but you would probably never see them.  I have about 15 cherries, and sometimes I'll see two hiding in my vallis, but that's it. I plan to set up a little shrimp tank soon, as this hiding business is just not enough :)

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