Shrimp. Questions. So Many.


i need to stop buying plants....
Sep 26, 2011
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can Cherry shrimp be mixed with theses?

does will the copper in my trace element dosing for plants kill off the shrimp? or will they be ok? (its 0.82) dosing 10ml every other day.but the plants use it?

the blue shrimp i posted about, has anyone kept them? any special requirements?are they rearer than the cherry shrimp?

will they eat my plants? (riccia ,HC, and weeping moss?)

also are they better algae eaters than amanos ?
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can Cherry shrimp be mixed with theses?

does will the copper in my trace element dosing for plants kill off the shrimp? or will they be ok? (its 0.82) dosing 10ml every other day.but the plants use it?

the blue shrimp i posted about, has anyone kept them? any special requirements?are they rearer than the cherry shrimp?

will they eat my plants? (riccia ,HC, and weeping moss?)

also are they better algae eaters than amanos ?

Cherry Shrimp are very docile, and as long as the shrimp isn't predatory it can be mixed with any shrimp. I don't use trace, but I use Seachem Flourish which has some copper in it as well and neither my cherries nor my amano are in the slightest effected by it. It's too low an amount and plants absorb it anyway. I've never kept these kinds of blue shrimp, but they look very similar to cherry shrimp and i believe they might just be a color morph of cherries. IMO, Amanos are the best algae eaters. They eat green, brown, hair, and in some cases they've been documented eating black beard alage. Also, no shrimp kept in aquaria eat plants, as far as I know. Hope someone else can give a tad more detail on those blue shrimp :good:
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would they interbreed with cherrys? what algae do cherrys eat ?
would they interbreed with cherrys? what algae do cherrys eat ?
Cherries eat only green algae i believe, and they probably would interbreed. Someone correct me if i'm wrong but i believe Cherries can breed with Yellow, Red Crystal, Black Crystal, Bumblebee, and possibly your Blue Pearl shrimp.
green algae as in green hair algae?

cherrys and amanos wont interbreed? (the thinking the blue shrimp is a different type of cherry as well,so assuming it will breed with the same types as the cherrys)
green algae as in green hair algae?

cherrys and amanos wont interbreed? (the thinking the blue shrimp is a different type of cherry as well,so assuming it will breed with the same types as the cherrys)

Green algae is in the green stuff that clings to rocks, ornaments, plants, and glass. Amanos are a completely diffrent species, as well as its much bigger, they won't interbreed as far as i know.

Just looked, a cherry shrimp is called in latin "Neocaridina heteropoda var. 'red'" while your blue shrimp is "Neocaridina cf. zhangjiajiensis var. 'blue'" Therefore, I do believe they are readily available to interbreed

I am in the process of setting up my own shrimp nano, and have also been looking at the Neocaridina Blue :hyper:

They appear to rarer than RCS and are a fairly new shrimp that was selectively bred in Germany. Everything I have been reading says they are easy to keep and undemaniding, but should not be kept with any other Neocaridina sp. as they may cross breed.
iv found 2 sellers... a guy on ebay and here
not sure where to buy from... think a aquarium which has been set up for about 6 months (had a change over 4 months ago) support them?
The Beeshrimps website doesn't seem to currently have any in stock, I have purchased fish from Kesgrave-tropicals via eBay before and had very good service however they have their Blues priced the highest. Aquatic-plant-enthusiasts seem to be the cheapest available on-line and appear to have good feedback.
yer i might get 10... do you think they can grantee males and females? also do you think they add something for the shrimp to cling onto while in the post? (dont they go into shock if there in a bag on there own?)
terta if we both get some blue shrimp. and they breed do you want to swap there offspring? so the genetic diversity is kept higher?
would they interbreed with cherrys? what algae do cherrys eat ?
Cherries eat only green algae i believe, and they probably would interbreed. Someone correct me if i'm wrong but i believe Cherries can breed with Yellow, Red Crystal, Black Crystal, Bumblebee, and possibly your Blue Pearl shrimp.

Not quite. Red Cherry Shrimp can only interbreed with other Neo Caridina species. So, they WILL breed with the yellow, white and blue colour strains as these are all Neo Caridina species. They WILL NOT breed with RCS, BCS, Bumble Bees, Amano, Tigers or any other Caridina species of Shrimp.

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