Shrimp Question

sorry if this is a silly question but do they lay eggs or give birth ? iv got 3 shrimp and one is very fat but iv not seen any baby's  
cheers d 
They carry their eggs under their tail & release the young when they hatch.
If you have cherry shrimp the eggs are easy to spot as they're yellow
thanks , im not sure what they are , 
heres one of them 
To the OP, you could just get Amano Shrimp, their young shrimp won't survive in fresh water so you won't get an explosion of shrimp in your tank - no need for population control. Also, Amanos are tough little cookies and won't be in much danger from the small fish you have mentioned.

To toastie, that looks like an Amano and even if it is about to have shrimplets, they need brackish water to survive.
thanks fm :) . iv got to get some cherrys then as i fancy seeing them have baby and the mrs is scared of them :) 
just looking at ordering some cherrys , another silly question i expect but are they mail and female or all the same ? thanks d 

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