Shrimp Only Tank

plants are good with shrimps but please PLEASE be exceptionally careful. soooo many plants have copper in them that will kill shrimps on mass. it happened twice to me and it's a very expensive and costly mistake.
Copper on them not necessarily in them although that can occur. Just wash them and soak for 2-3 days if you want to be especially rigorous place them in a bucket with a filter running activated carbon media. I just look for inverts in the planted tank most good shops ime will use Nerites to clean the glass in their tanks where Nerites are compatible.
Just as an aside - if you plan to stock with cherry shrimp and crystal reds, make sure not to stock any other shrimp that breeds in captivity, as all of them will hybridize with one or another.

An amano or two should be fine though.
You could still stock Halocaridina sp., Xiphocaris sp., Palaemonetes sp., Atyopsis sp., Atya sp., Micratya sp. with them without hybridisation....
Thanx, my dad has some of my first shrimp, that seemed to die off in my tank, in his 30L biorb and they seem to be doing fine.
I only put the biorb in the list cos it doesnt take up to much room, and ive seen others i like to :D
The substrate that comes with the biorbs isnt lava rock its ceramic, or so they say, when i said lava rock im sure ive previously said that lava rock with plants attached.

I keep calling it lava rock and getting corrected lol, it should of sunk in be now.

Also i put some amano in the tank with the shrimp but they seem get be quite greedy, they allways get to the food first and chase the others away.
I have to put the food in the tank in two lots so the cherrys will get some.

Dose anyone else have this problem?
You could still stock Halocaridina sp., Xiphocaris sp., Palaemonetes sp., Atyopsis sp., Atya sp., Micratya sp. with them without hybridisation....

True, I should have said "common shrimp" that breed in captivity, although several of those (like the bamboo shrimp) can't breed easily in captivity anyway.

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