Shrimp + Mollys?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 11, 2008
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Hi guys, just curious, only because recently I had gotten some Black Molly babies (+ the mom) and I had a spare 29 gal tank, so i threw em in... And so i decided to grab some frogbite from my shrimp tank and throw it in with the mollys. Lo and behold a shrimp was accidently mixed in with the frogbite, and now hes swimming around with the mollys with no problem. Just curious, would I be able to move all my shrimp to the 29 gal and not worry about my mollys eating them?
i have mollies and amano shrimp and no problems. if they are small shrimp and you have one or two of them they tend to hide but the more you get the more confident the get and they scavage 24/7
Mollies are herbivorous. They might have a peck or two when the shrimp are first added, but shouldn't do any lasting damage.
They should be fine.

I keep platies (another herbivorous (mostly) livebearer) in one of our shrimp tanks, and they don't even give baby dwarf shrimp a second glance, prefering to pick at what little algae there is in there. These are baby shrimp that they could fit 5 or 6 of at one time in their mouths, and they show them no interest.


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