Shrimp Identification Please!


New Member
Jun 14, 2012
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Can someone help me identify this shrimp please,he came into my tank when i purchased three amano shrimp a few weeks back. The other two are perfect amano shrimp as you would expect them to look-and then we have this dude (who we have named scary mary!)

We hardly ever see him,he is always hiding either on bogwood or in the cave with my armoured shrimp,so when i saw him out and about this morning i grabbed a couple of pics. The pics are not very good,but as i havent seen him for the last 5 days and he was only out for about 30 seconds they are the best i could get! He is the colour of dark bogwood,with a lighter cream stripe down his back and cream detail on his tail.

is he an amano,just a darker version that is more shy,he doesnt hang around with my other "normal" coloured amanos-they are always together

any ideas?



It looks very similar to the Australian Riffle Shrimp.
does this shrimp stick its first 4 "hands" up then put them in its mouth? it looks to me like a rock shrimp/bamboo shrimp.
hiya-he is definatly not a fan filter shrimp as i have a Atya gabonensis (vampire/armoured shrimp) and before i brought those,i looked at getting a bamboo but decided to get the vampire instead.

he eats the same as my amanos and the cherrys he just looks and behaves completly differently!

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