Shrimp & Fish

all the java fern melts in my tank for some reason so ill get whatever comes first:
pearlweed, guppygrass, or suss

What lighting are you using or what is the wattage and hour many hours you turn on per day.
Actually best plant for shrimplets is Java Moss.
Other fast growing plants like Hornworts and Anacharis Elodea are also useful.

To cover your intake tube, there are many options.
You can buy the strainer sponge but check for the size or you can use any fine nets to cover it.
I usually buy the fine laundry nets that cost me only $1 each.
Anyway, I attached a photo of the strainer sponge below.
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I missed this thread!

I had red cherry shrimps in a 54 litre tank with Boraras urophthalmoides and pygmy cories, both small fish. The tank had wood, java fern and a tangle of hornwort, so plenty of hiding places. When I had to close this tank, I removed 92 shrimps ranging from adults to newly hatched shrimplets.
Have had a number of tanks in the past that has had RCS and fish species.

All were successful as the RCS were prolific and bred well, I did occasionally add fresh RCS stock to avoid too much crossbreeding and helps keep up the red colourations.

I find that most small nano fish worked best with shrimps. As these are small mouthed fish, I kept species like celestial pearl danios, lambchop rasboras and even endlers were good with shrimps, some of the little shrimplets may have been eaten which is to be expected for ANY fish species really as these little shrimplets are fair game in aquaria.

But since I had the tanks heavily planted with plenty of driftwood and leaf litter etc etc and these provided lots of cover and hiding spaces for the little shrimplets until they were big enough to come out without too much fear of being eaten.

But for a truly safe haven for shrimps then would simply suggest that a little 5 -10 gallon shrimp only set up works best, with a simple sponge filter tank works perfectly with lots of plants and decor.
I might start another thread but they might be dead already :(

I agree you should start a new thread if you are having issues with your shrimp tank.

Helps to stop confusions and the questions more likely to be directed for you rather than the OP of this thread.

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