Shrimp Care Guide

Well cherries are freshwater whilst Lysmata debelius are marine...... i.e not compatible or interchangeable.
:blush: didnt realise that - makes the decision a lot easier :rolleyes:
Its a good thing you asked or else you would of been eating the shrimp not watching them. Bit of garlic butter lovely :good:
Thanks for the post, covered some questions i had especially the inch per gallon rule which has been answered. Would it be possible for a list of complete no no's on the 'these fish will eat your shrimp topic.

I got rid of my clown loach on the understanding they would eat any shrimp that i added to the tank. But i don't know if Zebra Loach are going to eat cherry shrimp.

Trying to plan out my stock list and want to make sure its 100%. What effect would Zerba Loach (Botia Striata) have on cherry shrimp?
i am worried that my kribs (pelvicachromis pulcher) may eat the red cherry shrimp that i plan to buy, would they?
and would small tetras such as cardinals, serpaes or rummy noses eat them?
help please!!!
As I said in the other thread Tetras will only eat the shrimplets and the kribs is down to temperament normally they are fine.
I have just introduced cherry shrimp into my tank, and my young tiger barbs were taking a great interest in them! Since then, I have only managed to find 2 of the 5 shrimp (they are 1/4" long). Although my tiger barbs are small (1") can they eat the shrimp - or they hiding?

Hi everyone, i have purchased and amano shrimp and it has been in my tank now for 2 days tommoro i am probably going to purchase 5 more but have concerns, the first night my shrimp was in my tank he was at the front eating and acting normal then today and yesterday he has completly vanished, i am not that worried about this because i do have a 140 litre tank and many hiding places such as ornaments and plants ect. my main concern is wether when i buy these new shrimp my fish might attackk them my fish include, (10) neon tetras, (10) rummy-nose tetras, (1) bristlenose plec, (2) catfish (not sure what they are called but they are about 3-4" long and about 1" wide, (1) Betta, (1) rainbow shark, (3) rainbow fish, and (6) fancie guppies can anyone help me to just make sure that these fish will generally be ok with the shrimp i have already told my LFS about the fish i have and they said it should be ok as long as you have a large tank, and many hiding places and feed your fish correctly, all of my ( semi-aggresive fish ) such as the rainbow shark or even the betta are small and not big enough to eat the shrimp as they are about 2" as it is i am just hoping that it will be safe and the shrimp currently in my tank will probably be ok. thankyou.
Hi, I have three red cherry shrimp in my tank and they have always been fine but I recently added 2 red dwarf gourami and 4 zebra danios and now the shrimp seem to be hiding all the time. Is there a reason for this? I didnt think the fish I added would try and eat them and haven't seen them do so. Would adding more shrimp help the original shrimp be more confident (if that makes sense). Thanks in advance.
I had 2 cherry shrimp approx 1/2 inch now got only one the other last seen disappearing down the throat of a 2.1/2 inch zebra danio.
wish I could have got a photo of the zebra with a shrimp head and eyes in it's mouth.
can I keep 2 different species of shrimp in the same tank? I can't make my mind up between cherries and bumblebees, so I was wondering if I could have a few of both?
can I keep 2 different species of shrimp in the same tank? I can't make my mind up between cherries and bumblebees, so I was wondering if I could have a few of both?

Cherry shrimp and Bee shrimp can be kept together in the same tank and will not cross breed. Bee shrimp are much more sensitive than Cherry shrimp and require pristine water conditions, lower pH and like the temperature cooler (74F). Cherry shrimp do well at a wider range of temps and pH and are much less demanding. So as long as you can cater to the Bee shrimp, Cherries will very much thrive too.

Have fun with your shrimp!

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