Sorry to jump in on your thread but this looks like a good spot to ask my question. Will cherry or ghost shrimp get along with clown loaches and cory's? Or would it just be redundant to get more bottom feeders?
I might have to either get cherrys or ghost shrimp
what about glass shrimp?
How many could I have in a 29g with 7 harlequins,6 cherry barbs,6 corys,and 1 dwarf gourami
60 gallon aquarium, 2 big plants, 3 logs, 4 clown loaches. I have ramhorn snails in there right now that the clown loaches eat. If the worst case scenario is that the loaches eat the shrimp, that's ok. I was just worried the shrimp would bug the loaches or catfish.
Thanks for the responses!