Shrimp. 1 Inch 1 Gallon Rule?

I started out with 20 RCS in my community tank, they multiply like rabbits, lol! If you have lots of plants, especially moss, you will have plenty shrimplets survive. I've given away lots of shrimp.....if you lived here I'd gladly give you some! :)
I guess this was my point, nothing will keep the algae down when you have a major outbreak, or even a minor outbreak. In terms of bioload you can have many shrimp in a tank that size but as has been said some fish do eat them and it's quite frustrating (I've been there) when one of your lovely red shrimp becomes a tiny lobster diner for a fish!
The best thing for algae control is simply to maintain the water changes, don't overstock, and don't overfeed and if it's planted to be sure to have enough Co2 in the system. You really are the best algae controller money can buy.
Noahsfish said:
Those will keep algae in check, but won't be able to control a major outbreak.

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