
i love the last few DTs :wub: and the ct and orangie are amazing i smell some bosf's coming home with mommy wuv!
Very nice fish! I really like the orange :D.

Many greetings from the Netherlands,

Ooo, ooo, very exciting! I can't wait to hear how it goes!
Thanks for the well wishes,guys :thumbs: They've left the building. I went and met Wally on the interstate a couple of hours ago and now they're with him and his wife. They're halfway to Houston by now :kana:

It took me nearly three hours last night to get everyone ready to go :S
Good luck at the show, and a safe trip. Please, please keep us updated. Your betta girls are gorgeous! :hyper:
newfishies said:
any news from the show? :D  :thumbs:
Nooo, it's killing me. I keep trying occupy myself but I can't help running over to the PC to check the results page :X

Now,I'm having negative thoughts because I heard through the grapevine there was some slight drama and I'm scared my fish will be DQ'ed because the judge knows my fish (and who they were bred by (ME!) ) so knowing that,I'm scared that person will feel they can't judge them.
I could be over-reacting though :p
Just to clarify, since I hear it's quite the hub-bub in chat. The problems which I fear are this....
My club president is taking apprentice judging classes,but since he knows I'm entering,and he hand delivered my fish, he can't judge this show. No biggie. Him and Jim are close so I hoped they never talked of my fish, but I doubt that.

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