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The tank is a standard 48"Lx18"W 75g.

I'm definitely overstocked, though I selected the fish for a generally mild temperment that has thusfar meant almost no aggression. I overfilter and keep a close eye on the nitrates, doing regular large water changes.

There are 27 adult mbuna, 8-12 acei fry of various sizes, and 9 petricola.

The 4 labeotropheus are temporary residents. I have plans to sell the fry in the next month or so as they hit 2" give or take.

I would not suggest this level of stocking for someone without extensive knowledge of and experience in caring for African cichlids.
Modern what are the blue cichlids with the yellow fins you have i believe i have one in my tank..
Hope you didn't mind I'm answering, but they're Pseudotropheus Acei, I'm pretty sure :shifty:
Hope you didn't mind I'm answering, but they're Pseudotropheus Acei, I'm pretty sure :shifty:

I love these fish. Active, minimally aggressive, less prone to hang out in the rocks, and very social. They're as close as you can get to schooling fish in mbuna. They breed quite readily, even moreso than most mbuna.

They're very pretty too. The blue can be almost an irredescent purple with the right diet and lighting.

Here's Anasasi, the alpha male:

I actually now dont know if that is the fish i have.. I need to get some good pictures of all of my fish.. Tomorrow i plan on rearranging the tank so i will take each fish out and take a picture of them while they are in my hands or in a net.. The wont stay out of the water for more then 10-15 seconds.. What do you think? Not too long, no harm would be done??

my 48 strappersii and BN tank, it's also at the moment a grow out tank for some juvie labs, they'll be moving this week though.

my 110 mixed tang and malawi tank. holey rock with rolled river rock here and there for algae grazing

same tank
WOW mamafish is that tank a 110G or 110L either way is it just me but from that pic it looks so way overstocked dont attank is a i am a bit of a newb but???
It is 110 gallons by the looks of it. It is not normaly a good idea to mix tanganyikans and mbuna but over-stocking is common practice as the more fish you have, the less any one individual is picked on. You'll see, earlier in this thread, there are some more examples of this. Mind you, the level of over-stocking can go out of control and you should never over-stock to a point where your filtration and maintainance cannot deal with waste production. It's also more common to over-stock mbuna tanks as opposed to tangs.
I overstock my mbuna tanks to avoid aggression too one another but i agree with the previous people.. The tang tanks are not usually as overstocked because they are not as aggressive and mama your tank looks a bit overstocked.. How long has it been set up.. It may not be a problem if it is established and they have been fine for a while now.

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