Show Me Your Bettas!

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Definitely in agreement to get rid of the common plecs. As has been said they get very large, and thus require a large tank.
I'd think you'd be okay with a smaller variety like a bristlenose, but you want to have wood in the tank for it.
Really though, they make more mess than they clean. If you're having trouble with algae you want to look at why it's happening, and fix it.
Nerite snails are great for taking care of some of it though.
Here is my balloon CT, Discord.
He lives in a 20g long with ~10 habrosus cories & a purple striped mystery snail named Spyro.


He eats pellets off of my fingers.
peegee617 said:
I have three Bettas - my first one was an orange veil tail who is not exactly the life and soul of the party, so he is called Mopey Dick. The next is Alpha, a blue veil tail with gorgeous turquoise fins (hard to tell in the picture tho
( )  He has developed a huge belly that I am trying to resolve with the Betta forum. He acts just as healthy as any Betta I've ever had so it's a bit of a mystery. The crowning glory of my trio is Phoenix, my blue and red crown tail. He was a Walmart rescue and he has so much spunk for such a little guy!
MAybe your Betta is actually a female?
Er.... nope. Actually my bf thinks it's caused by a lack of female company, but then he would..... 
Was NOT aware that plecos needed that much space. Some one told me they grow to tank size
Gullible me... I'm not quite sure I can take him back as I have had him for awhile and grown quite attached. I think I might just have to infest in a larger tank later on. He is pretty small right now so I think he will be okay in this one for awhile. Thank you for informing me! Btw, those Bettas are all BEAUTIFUL. Thanks everyone for sharing your pictures!
Fish Crazy - thank you for that link. Sad to say I think that's exactly what Alpha has, and they are right about owners being advised (by people who should really be a bit better informed) that it isn't constipation. My poor boy - I put him through Epsom salt baths, starvation, pea and daphnia diets, you name it. Nothing halted the growth of his belly, but now I can see why.
I'm concerned about the being infectious to other Betta's (and to humans) bit. But how can I put down my friend, who acts perfectly normal?  I guess I just have to be super careful and let him pass his days as a balloon.

Wow, thanks for that link Fish Crazy - sad to say I think that's exactly what Alpha has got.  I was a bit concerned when I read that it is infectious to other Betta's (and humans - yikes) but I don't think I can put him down - I guess I'll just have to be super careful while he lives out his life as a balloon.

damn - stupid computer gobbled up my post then posted my thread twice. Looks like I've got a really bad stutter!
peegee617 said:
Fish Crazy - thank you for that link. Sad to say I think that's exactly what Alpha has, and they are right about owners being advised (by people who should really be a bit better informed) that it isn't constipation. My poor boy - I put him through Epsom salt baths, starvation, pea and daphnia diets, you name it. Nothing halted the growth of his belly, but now I can see why.
I'm concerned about the being infectious to other Betta's (and to humans) bit. But how can I put down my friend, who acts perfectly normal?  I guess I just have to be super careful and let him pass his days as a balloon.

Wow, thanks for that link Fish Crazy - sad to say I think that's exactly what Alpha has got.  I was a bit concerned when I read that it is infectious to other Betta's (and humans - yikes) but I don't think I can put him down - I guess I'll just have to be super careful while he lives out his life as a balloon.

darn - stupid computer gobbled up my post then posted my thread twice. Looks like I've got a really bad stutter!
I was really sad when I pulled up that link as well! I can't imagine what you are going through right now..
As other people said on that thread, the "only way" to help him would be to remove some of that nasty stuff from him, if you are confortable in doing so.
I wouldn't be.
I'm hoping there is more to it!
tunagirll said:
Gorgeous boy Ninjou!
Thank you!
  Yours is as well. I wish I could take great pics like that.
If this is any help, here are the details for the shot: f-stop f8, exposure 1/125, ISO50, manual focus (7mm), manual white balance, flash. The shot was underexposed and then I brought it back up in
Basically I have the camera lens flush against the glass and adjust the camera to use a low strength flash and focus on Mr Fishie manually. The flash lets me take a sharp photo. I'm still a noob at taking photos but these tips have helped enormously! Lots of cameras also have a 'macro' setting that will agressively hunt and focus and adjust white balance close up, which is essential when taking photos directly through the glass. For distance photos (eg whole tank) there are lots of tricks, but I just use a flash and angle the camera around 45 degrees to the glass to minimise it bouncing off the glass.
New to the forum. Posted here originally asking for some help with a filter and figured I'd check out the "introduce yourself" section.

My mom had a tank when we were younger and I remember her taking care of it all the time and letting us feed the fish, probably didn't truly like fish till I saved my betta from walmart. (Can't pass that section without wanting to buy another now =[ ....)

Had a Betta in a bowl for a year or so, but he is settling into a 25gal that I am in the process of cycling (waiting on nitrite drop). Seems to be doing fine and enjoys the space. Bought a plecos for the algae (ate nearly all of it off the walls in 4days). I absolutely LOVE bettas and would love to see some pictures of the little guys while waiting for my other thread issue to be resolved. Any other fish would be nice to see aswell.
I know im a few years late but this is for future referance or anybody who see's this... but plecos can get MASSIVE up to 2 feet big!(some can get to 3 feet!!!) NEVER house african dwarf frogs with bettas! Since african dwarf frogs like to live in groups of 3 and will bite your bettas beutiful tail mistaking it for food! Your betta will also eat all the food before the frogs have a chance to eat. A few corey catfish would do well in a tank that size (and they are bottom feeders so your betta wouldnt mind)

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