Should We, Shouldn't We?

Alright, those corals sound nice and interesting... I'll check with my dad and see about the 125gallon, however I don't think that he'll go for it unfortunatly, it's because I get a discount at my work where we'll be getting the filter, tank, stand, salt mix, hydrometer and basically most of our equipment.

As I said I've still got soem research to do and find out exactly what is compatable with a reef set-up, the fish I chose so far I've been told are, however I'd still like your conformation.

Thanks much for all the information thus far guys, I will keep you updated as things move along :)
Well, if you do go with the 120, stay away from blue tangs. there's other more suitable tangs for that size ;)
Alright, how about the yellow tangs? Are they fine for that sized tank? Also, sailfin tangs, would they be suitable??

Oh and in regards to the backround I believe that my dad would prefer one of the cheap lamanated plasticy ones opposed to painting the back of the tank. My work sells a nice Black and Blue one (black on one side, blue on the other), I'd prefer to see a blue backround on the tank as I think it'd reflect the lighting into the tank more than the black would.
i wouldnt worry about getting all the light into the tank as possible, go with the one you think will look nicer :)
Yellow tangs do just fine in a 120. Sailfins can also do well, as long as you buy them small. Another great option would be a purple tang or kole tang. Similarly, a sribbled rabbitfish would also look great IMO.

As for background, just remember tha once its on, it's probably gonna stay on. I'd show your dad examples of all three (black, blue, and patterned) and tell him to choose the one he likes :)
Well that's why he likes the reverasable backround, that way we can just tape it in place and if he doesn't like it he can change it up.

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