Fish Crazy
What if you can get a nice scrumptious bag of filter media from your lfs as I did,and add fish to keep it fed, would you say that's ok?......!!
Wow, that's amazing......Yes. If you trust your LFS. I would rather clone my own tanks. I still am operating off the colony of bacteria i started 2 years ago.
Would be interesting to see what happened, I suppose it's having the guts to do it......if someone was starting a new tank up, that would be worth a try.....Suppose wod be interesting to run some form of test. Thinking add this bottled bacteria then test daily for ammonia, nitrite & nitrate and see what the results show. Cant really think of a way for a definitive answer. Mind you, if it did work then is clearly a very big positive!!!
What if you can get a nice scrumptious bag of filter media from your lfs as I did,and add fish to keep it fed, would you say that's ok?......!!
Just because they survived it doesn't mean that it wasnt an extremely painful experience for them OR that they haven't been damaged from being poisoned and will live shorter lives.
Ammonia burns their fins and gills which affects their ability to breath and nitrite affects their nervous system and the ability of their blood to use oxygen. Your fish will have been exposed to high levels of both.
I can beat that; I've had my bacterial colony going since 1995Wow, that's amazing......Yes. If you trust your LFS. I would rather clone my own tanks. I still am operating off the colony of bacteria i started 2 years ago.
Aaanyway, silent cycling is where you heavily plant a tank all from the beginning and then add fish. This does require heavy plant mass