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Jul 7, 2004
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Manchester UK
This is a topic I think about frequently and I have come to the conclusion that I think it is unfair to remove an animal from the wild and place it in an aquarium even if the natural environment is met perfectly.

It is to my opinion that public aquariums and zoo's interested in the presevation of species should be the only places where it is acceptable to keep "wild fish".

What do you think?

I believe that fish shouln't be caught then kept in an aquarium, it's cruel! These fish have already tasted freedom and then we cage them in, it's totally unfair :angry:
My father dosen't like it either...
We keep aquarium fish because they were born in aquariums, if we placed them in the wild they would die or become pests. We give all the love and care that we can to these fish :)
But wild fish should not be housed in an matter how big it is!
Excellent question and one I think about too. I think we should keep wild-caught fish; local people are involved in catching them, this means they have a reason to protect the fishes wild environment and in a big picture sort of way buying wild-caught fish may actually be a conservationist measure.

Having said that I only ever (knowingly) buy wild-caught fish that I intend to breed and feed the offspring back into the hobby.
Yeah I hear ya.

I just wouldnt feel happy if I had a fish that I knew had been caught from the wild.
I would like to know exactly which species are caught from the wild so I could avoid ever getting one by accident.

I suppose they all came from the wild in the first instances of fish keeping though!
Timmy maybe you should think about feeding some of the wild caught fish back into their natural environment as you are so keen on conservation? I think that would be the only way to justify capturing a wild animal, for the greater good of its species.
After all its conserving the wild stock that is important.
We are at the end of the day just caretakers for our fish. I never say I own fish, just that i care for them.
Most of plecos come from nature! Many fishes come from the wild. Only some populal, common fishes are bred - fishes that are easy to breed and not costs so much.

As I wrote earlier

And also, when people buy some fishes it helps in nature protection; many places are in safe, because people who live near it they get their living by picking fishes from rivers etc. If they lost it, then they need to get their living from something else and it usually means cultivation. Cultivation means that rainforests etc are cut down and rivers are dried for tillages. And many species (that are not even found yet) will die :-(

So keeping aquariums helps alot to save some areas in natur and give living for poor people!

I don't think that it's cruel if only your tank is suitable. Conditions are same (biotopes). Including that species are not in danger to die out!
I use to collect Snakes, at least with snakes the one captive born were much nicer in appearance, usually free of diseases and worms or other nasty bugs. I believe that wild animals of any kind should either be eaten only to survive, collected to restock an endangered species or to be relocated if human life is in danger. At least with snakes and many animals "probably some of these fish" are over collected. If the hobby is not careful "and this may affect some fish now" you will not be able to have some fish unless you have a permit or are an institution breeding these fish only. It happens with many snakes around the US and here in Florida the Pine Snake you can not buy and you can only have 1 wild caught, the Eastern Indigo is so uncommon now that only licensed people who breed these snakes can keep them. It is so hard to get this permit to do so and I was able to get my venomous Snakes license that required 1,000 documented hours reported by another person who kept venomous snakes and I could not get the Indigo Snake Permit.

Anyway, if these lakes get over collected it is trouble for us all in the long run, I am sure you will first see prices sky rocket and so on.... Our civilization is advanced enough that we can captive breed fish these days with out having to collect wild fish. We need to buy captive breed fish and leave the wild fish alone.
Timmy said:
Excellent question and one I think about too. I think we should keep wild-caught fish; local people are involved in catching them, this means they have a reason to protect the fishes wild environment and in a big picture sort of way buying wild-caught fish may actually be a conservationist measure.

Having said that I only ever (knowingly) buy wild-caught fish that I intend to breed and feed the offspring back into the hobby.
Just like the local people protect the Rhinos? Apes?.... It is all about the money.
People who reside in poor countrys have to do what they can to survive and when it comes down to it if they can make more money chopping down the rain forrest or catching fish they will do it to feed their children. Wouldnt you?
My point is that if your going to take somthing out of an environment eventualy it will effect a wider and wider ammounts of species beacuse the balance is interfeard with.
Do you think these ppl take the time to breed the fish they catch or catch more to make more money to feed their family? I think we know the answer to that one without a poll!
[/QUOTE]Just like the local people protect the Rhinos? Apes?.... It is all about the money.
But it is the local people that protect the rhinos and apes! It's people overseas that buy the ivory.
How I'd love to debate on this topic but I gotta get back to work. Have a fun chat :kana:
I think that swings both ways!
Local people who are educated enough to realise that eventualy a species will become extinct preserve them. However local people who who are either uneducated, desperate or just plain greedy will poach them!
Thanks for your input timmy.
There is only opinions here and yours is just as valid as anyone elses (unless we have any members of parliament of presidents in here?)
Jae1525 said:
People who reside in poor countrys have to do what they can to survive and when it comes down to it if they can make more money chopping down the rain forrest or catching fish they will do it to feed their children. Wouldnt you?
But if the choice is chopping down the rainforest or catching a few fish and leaving the rainforest alone which would you rather they do?

If the rainforest goes then the fish will all go - if they catch some fish to sell to us then the rainforest is still there and most of the fish are too.

(I've really gone this time or I'll be sacked then my fish'll go hungry :fun: )
Yeah again I hear ya but these people dont get paid to breed and restock the fish they catch or replant the rainforrest they get *paid* to cut down.

It is just the most unfortunate thing ever but like I said these people have a family to feed. As people whom are well educated its our job to make people aware that when they buy a product, animal, furnature or whatever that it hasnt harmed the environment whilst it was caught or manufactured.
Just like the local people protect the Rhinos? Apes?.... It is all about the money.
But it is the local people that protect the rhinos and apes! It's people overseas that buy the ivory.
How I'd love to debate on this topic but I gotta get back to work. Have a fun chat :kana:
Oh yeah, make that comment and take off.... :D

Local people are paid to protect the Rhinos or whatever. People over seas do by the Ivory but the also buy the fish. Anyway you look at it; it can get to be a nasty Business . You have people overseas who want something well you have people overseas paying the local people to protect it. Would the local people protect it with out a paycheck? You might find a small few but in those 3rd worlds if it means taking the last fish out of the lake VS getting money to feed your family or whatever..... The fish loose!

People will sell their souls for money. Not everyone but when you have people who do not care or need to feed their family......

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