Should I...

Ya, but they would most likely will have odd genes if he/ she wants to breed them. That's deffinately teh better choice. I like them. Go for it. :)
Happyannie ~ Faith (bettatalk) is located in LA, and she would not sell on Ebay ;)... also, her CT's cost way way more.

I wouldn't get the yellow pair, if I were you! The seller has a bunch of other ads for different yellows with the same pictures, which I don't like. They also mention that some of the girls have red-wash and the boys have white... that could mean they have more cream-colored bodies, which is not desirable. IMHO, I wouldn't want to mess with breeding yellows with red or white-wash, it'd be way difficult and you would probably get some juvies with lots of wash. I really want a yellow HMPK pair, and those are 2 things I doooon't want in the line. The MG looks really beautiful, but he isn't flaring so it's hard to judge the finnage :/
Thanks for the opinion, I think I'm going to hold off on buying any of them till I see what my local pet stores back home have to offer. I would like to get into breeding CTs and HMs, I'm just working on finding the perfect parents, so far I'm not having much luck.
Watch shipping Priority this time of year too. I would think NY might still have some cold spells. If they got side railed you might get nothing for your dollars. Overnight air is going to cost $25-$35. In Ny weather, last I heard--I would stick to FedEx or UPS

Frankly you could get a really nice pair from one of our breeders. Did you see the HM opaques that just hatched babies--or spawned. I got confused. But both are lovely fish. But that one leaves me awestruck.
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