Should I Put A Net In My Tank To Keep My Fish A Live!

They would then remain in the cell until about half the size of the adults and then I would either release them into the main tank to cope as best they could or into a small 10 - 20 gallon tank to matuer and sell on.

Personaly I beleave this will stunt the fry's growth and make them unhealthy and very bad stock.

By removing the female before spawning you can almost guarantee a 90% survival rate of the fry, however this may not be desirable as I did have some spawings of approx 50 fry

removing any females here, have made a 0% survival rate for the female.

you need to deside what is more inportant your fry or the mother fish.
Don't want to get into an argument but the female was in the cell for about 2 days and was then released back into the tank, spawn or no spawn, it was all I could do in the circumstances I had at the time. I did not want to lose either fry or mother and I have never lost a mother :(

I no longer keep live bearers because of their prolific breeding habits and belive that if you are going to then only males is the best bet unless of course you have the set up to deal with multiple major spawnings.

I had 3 10 - 20 gallon tanks to house the fry, and the adults were kept in the 300l tank which I still own.

If this was folly on my part then I am sorry but it was what I was advised to do and being new to the breed took the advise given. Bear in mind I bred guppies and platies two years ago. And now only breed fish that are desirable enough to warrant setting up a complete system - see my thinking of setting up a fish house thread.
No prob

I just get very anoyed, when people try and save fry to the cost of the mother fish's life, and 9 times out of 10 it's a breeding trap, and lack of rearing tanks that does it.
lets put it this way.

would you breed a dog if your did'nt have room or the resourse's. Would you let a dog birth in a 1ft square box and rear the pups in there in there own filth.

you may think there a difference, but is there realy??

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