Should I Move Betta To A Larger Tank? New Pictures


Fish Fanatic
Feb 15, 2011
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Hello all,

I have a question, I moved my Betta to a 10 gallon tank because I needed to treat him with meds and I didn't feel like trying to estimate half a packet of antibiotics. Anyway, he seems to be really enjoying his time in the larger tank. Now I feel guilty about moving him back to a 5 gallon tank. The 10 gallon I had as a QT tank for my larger fish, but also, because it is easier to treat in a 10 gallon as most antibiotics are set for a 10 gallon tank. Anyway, it seems such a waste to have one betta in a 10 gallon tank, but I really feel quilty about the prospect of putting him back to a smaller tank. He will go back to the 5 gallon tank in 4 more days.

I guess what I am asking is will he adjust to going back to the 5 gallon, or should I just make the move to the 10 gallon permanant? I know it is "just a fish" but I still want him to be happy. I don't want to throw him into a depression going back to the smaller tank :)

Sorry if this sounds like a stupid question, I am not new to fish keeping but I am new to Betta fish. I had adopted one from a friend who was moving out of the country, she had him for about 5 1/2 years, I took him in and he lived for another 8 months before he died (i think of old age). But I fell in love with the species and purchased a replacement. The one I have now is so cute and is just so funny with his antics I would hate for his personality to change.

Hi getting closer to the day he will go back to the 5 gallon tank. Am I worrying too much or will he adjust going back to the smaller tank. He really does seem to be enjoying the larger 10 gallon. not sure what to do could use some advice.

could you not leave him in there until you need the tank?

add the filter from the 5 gal to keep it cycled, then if you need the 10gal just move him and the filter over :good:

its amazing how much they change with more space :lol:
That is what I was thinking, I don't actually need a 10 gallon QT tank anymore since I no longer have any large fish. Sticking to larger schools of smaller fish now. So I can use the 5 gallon as a qt tank. Just need to figure out if I have a spot to keep the 10 gallon up permantely :lol:
If I do decide to keep him in the 10 gallon, is there any safe fish I could put in with him. I think the tank would look pretty empty with just him. Not sure of his personality as he has only ever been in the 5 gallon by himself, he had a snail in there at one point but it died a few weeks back. It was a nerite snail that I had had for 3 years so I believe it was natural causes. He never seemed to bother the snail though.

Just thought if he stays in the larger tank he might want some friends just not sure what would be safe to put with him.

If I do decide to keep him in the 10 gallon, is there any safe fish I could put in with him. I think the tank would look pretty empty with just him. Not sure of his personality as he has only ever been in the 5 gallon by himself, he had a snail in there at one point but it died a few weeks back. It was a nerite snail that I had had for 3 years so I believe it was natural causes. He never seemed to bother the snail though.

Just thought if he stays in the larger tank he might want some friends just not sure what would be safe to put with him.


Corydoras usaully go pretty well with Bettas. I'm not sure how big 10g is, but you could probably fit a few pygmy cories in :) They're best kept in groups of 6 :)
Well I decided to keep him in the larger tank, mostly because his 5 gallon tank sprang a leak while he was being treated in the larger tank. But also because he seems so much happier in the larger tank. I have purchased a Rena Smart filter and rena smart heater for his larger tank (should be in on friday). So for right now he is having to make due with his old sponge filter and his old 25 watt heater but it is doing fine for now (but not ideal). I don't have a substrate yet (remember the 10 gallon was orginally set up as a qt tank). But I added some plants and decor for him into the 10 gallon. Not sure he knows what to do with himself now that he has more room and more hidey holes :lol:

Here are some pics. What do you think? I may have too many plants but he does seem to be enjoying them.



It looks like you've done well to say it's only temporary. :good:
Well it was temporary, he was in there for treatment with antibiotics just added the extra log and all the plants today, the stone cave is from his 5 gallon tank and went with him to the QT tanks cause he loves it so much.

Thanks Lil so not too many plants. I have 2 more that I purchased today, but thinking I will be returning them cause I think adding the last 2 may be wayyyy to much. :good: espically since I still need to add the substrate. I am thinking of going back to gravel for him (had sand in his 5 gallon), but I am worried that it will limit my choices of tank mates even further.
Why do you think having a sand substrate would limit your stocking choices?
I was thinking of adding pygmy cories (heard they do ok with bettas) and I thought they perfer sand, but could be wrong on that. Plus the gravel give more colour choices. thinking of going with black gravel mixed with a little bit of white gravel. Black and white sand is soooooooo much more expensive.
Coloured sand is rather expensive however you can get a 15kg bag of play sand from Argos for £2.99. It's great for the fish and looks extremely natural compared to brightly coloured gravel. Also, you will catch your fish digging in sand which also looks great. :D

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