Should I Get The 40 Gallon?

Though smaller as far as gallons, I found a 38 gallon aquarium at petco with everything included (most of which would likely need an eventual upgrade), it is 20 inches high. It is a comparable price after I pick up hood and heater, not to mention all the other odds and ends included in the tank. I'm still trying to decide then of I should get the 40 or not. I suppose it all depends on if the shop is giving the free large filters away with the smaller open top tanks. I could theoretically pick up a ten gallon, get the largest filter, and then add it on with the 38 gallon filter. I've got to call them tomorrow anyway to see if they will take my platies, so I'll ask before I stop by. I didn't get anything from the petco today.
I wish our LFS's here did those sorta deals :(
I'm only able to take advantage of these sort of opportunities while I'm living with my dad. He's in a better area of this stupid state than I usually live in. 
attibones said:
Though smaller as far as gallons, I found a 38 gallon aquarium at petco with everything included (most of which would likely need an eventual upgrade), it is 20 inches high. It is a comparable price after I pick up hood and heater, not to mention all the other odds and ends included in the tank. I'm still trying to decide then of I should get the 40 or not. I suppose it all depends on if the shop is giving the free large filters away with the smaller open top tanks. I could theoretically pick up a ten gallon, get the largest filter, and then add it on with the 38 gallon filter. I've got to call them tomorrow anyway to see if they will take my platies, so I'll ask before I stop by. I didn't get anything from the petco today.
You're able to sell your platies to your LFS? and what did you get and what was the cost?
Petco didn't take the platies, but another small store here did. I didn't ask for any money for them. I only caught five of the seven to ring to them though.

Today I nabbed a ten gallon, a filter rated for "40-75 gallons" and about twelve cherry shrimp and right or so bee shrimp. Total was 60 for the equipment (I will send out the rebate soon) and the price of the shrimp was 2.99 for each bee shrimp and I think 2.00 for each cherry? I don't know. My petco is ordering a 38 gallon kit for me special because they were out and the guy didn't know how many they would get, if any, with the next shipment of tanks. That tank will run me about 150. I think it will house an angel fish, a school of harlequin rasboras or hatchetfish, and one or two BN plecos. I'll do a new journal for it when I start it up in august.
where do you find the room for more tanks?  My guppy just jumped outta the tank......the one tank that doesn't have a lid on and it just has to jump out...guess i gotta spend a day trying to find the lid now :/

fish is still alive though, found her and she was kinda dry but hopefully got her back in in time

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