Should I Get African Dwarf Frogs?


Fish Crazy
Jun 19, 2013
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I was thinking of getting a couple. are they good with other fish? how are your experiences with them?
How big is your tank? What decorations do you have?
And they are very good with other fish (as long as the fish aren't aggressive or want to eat them).  I would recommend smaller fish.  They can be housed with neon tetras, they usually aren't aggressive.  I had mine for a little over 4 years.  Male and Female.  I named them jack and jill, but I didn't know their genders until a few weeks ago (I made journals about them and drew pictures of them)
Anywho, I have loved them! They are really fun and are cool to watch.  Every frog is different and have their likes and dislikes.  They do shed their skin though.  Sometimes they will eat it, sometimes they don't  Often times the fish will eat it and I haven't ever had mine get sick from it.  You can choose to take it out or keep it in (skins).
First up, check if these frogs are legal to buy/own in your state.

ADFs, bettas and cories normally get along together. Avoid fish that are twice the mouth size of frog.
Make sure it is an ADF not the clawed one seen it happen plenty of time.
I've numerous ADF's in my community tank which includes tetras, clown loaches, platy's and gouramis.  All get on absolutely fine ........and one added bonus is if you should sadly lose any fish, the ADF's see this as food and will eat them!
I have two ADFs and they are very entertaining - very different personalities from each other. I think they are fine in a tropical tank. I did have to separate my betta though because he didn't give the ADF he was with a chance to eat. ADFs hunt by smell and have very poor eyesight so sometimes it takes them a while to find their food. My betta also chased around the ADF. If you have fish that might bully them, make sure your tank has plenty of hiding spots - in general, ADFs like plenty of hiding spots regardless of other animals around.

If you have the space, I would say to get a few ADFs - maybe 3? They are fine alone but they are social and the males will sing :)

Also, like Bettas, sponge filters are best. When they are younger, they can hurt a finger/toe with other filters (I've heard). I've also heard they don't like bubbling/air stones because they have sensors along their back that detect movement in the water (to hunt) and so the constant water agitation is like constant noise for them - kinda stressful.
I love frogs in general. i have some tree frogs too. I actually have a whole 10 gallon open right now. my betta will probably go in there after he heals from clamped fins(poor guy).I think I will get 3 ADFs. has anyone else seen ADFs sold in little boxes in toystores?` its really sad. thanks for the help
Yeah I see them at like hallmark stores. And its ridiculously overpriced so they never get sold.  They are so tiny and thin, its sad.

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