Should i get a female for may male Betta

Chaos bringer

New Member
Feb 19, 2005
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I have a male betta and he appears to be lonely. I used to keep him with some platys but the platys have slowly died out so none are left. He has recently appeared to be lonely should i get a female betta to keep him company, I do however not want to bread the male and female should i get one regardless. However i have found in a book that you are not meant to keep them together. If some on has similar problems please contact me at [email protected]
the male and female betta will most likely fight, and you will only have one left when you are done.... :p there may be some that have had them in the same tank, but i think you will find that that is definitely not recoomended other than for breeding! :D
They will likely fight and either kill or harm one another; they are a solitary species so don't worry about lonliness. He actually will probably rather like having his tank all to himself. ;)
The species betta splendens should not be kept together. One per tank. Females can be kept together (at least 5) as long as they establish a pecking order (alpha,beta,delta,omega, etc.). But some females cannot be kept together.

males and females should only be together during spawning. even in a community tank..

Get your betta one or two african dwarf frogs (ADF) for some buddies.
I guess if I were to ever put somethin with a male betta, it'd be a little african frog, but make mighty sure you've got a lid on your tank that has holes no bigger than a froggy can squeeze thru, cuz they love to escape.

HOWEVER, I still believe that male bettas belong in a tank all alone - with no buddies. They just don't need em. I have 3 boys and they're perfectly content to have my company as their only company.
Mmm, they live in rice paddies, which aren't quite puddles as the pet stores would have you believe. There is simply enough space and few enough fish that they set up their own territories and have relatively few conflicts. They know not to enter each other's turf, they know when to stop fighting, and they know when it is OK to be around each other. Since we can't very well duplicate these conditions captively, however, it would be hard to work it out, so it is safer to just keep them singly.
She goes home and waits for a phonecall from the male, but they never seem to call. Typical.
heh heh :p

Actually, I always wondered this myself.
That's an excellent question.
Personally I would never,ever keep a betta in solitude where he can't at least see other fish.

I would never,ever put anything in with a betta either,they DO prefer to be alone. But let's keep in mind that the fish you all keep are not plucked from the wild. They grew up right next to other bettas and they've seen them their entire lives. They do indeed become depressed if they don't get to interact.
Mine can't see any other bettas - they're happy go lucky as they come.
In fact, the only time I've seen my boys depressed is when they were at the petstore.

I spend about 9 hours everyday next to Amos (he's my work fishy) so I'm always looking in at him, making faces at him and waving. He's always flaring and swimming laps. He builds bubble nests at night while I'm away.

My other 2 boys are on separate tables at opposite ends of my living room. Sort of ditto on them with staring in at them and looking and waving at them.

Honestly, I don't think they care that they're not sitting next to the other pathetic looking little guys in plastic cups waiting for a good home.
But your three obviously have tons of human/fish interaction. A betta wasting away at home while it's owner is at work is a sad thing.

I suppose this is a matter of opinion though. My daughters class had a VT who recently died,so I told the teacher I'd bring her a plakat. I couldn't even stomach the thought of sending a boy to live by himself so I loaded up two fish and two tanks and brought them to her,just so the one boy didn't have to be alone. I feel sorry for bettas who are lonely.

I also refuse to ever ship a betta by himself :look: I've forced two on people just because I didn't want one of my guys traveling solo. Different strokes for different folks.

EDIT~ your last statement is rather bold,don't you think? :rolleyes:

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