Should I Get A Bristlenose Or Otos?

For my 30 gallon, should I get...

  • 3 otos

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1 bristlenose pleco

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Something else (please specify)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Fish Gatherer
Dec 30, 2005
Reaction score
tank and details are in my signature.
I was leaning towards the bristlnose but no petstores have them by me only albino and i dont want one of those plus there about 15$ more than a regular one but i like ottos to are they compatible with my fish
you might want to try again then... I cant reay the question as my screen res isnt big enough...

Oh and the title is poo too ;)
still no question... and the title dosnt help....

How about

"What small Plec shall I get" as the title
and then add the poll options with the question in the first post...

not knowing wha the tank details are and other stock wont help anyone give an educated opinion either - so try to add that in the post too ;)
Only go for Ottos if your tank is very well established and has plenty of algae for them to eat... and choose ones with 'fat' bellies... they are notorious for being delicate and sometimes arrive in shops 'starved' from transit...
Hi atmmachine :)

I don't know where you originally posted this, but you are now posting in the right place to talk about both plecos and otos. :thumbs:

Otos are a little difficult to keep, but if you have live plants in an established tank they should do well. The most important thing to know about otos is how to pick healthy ones at the beginning. If they don't have round little tummies when you see them in the store, pass them by. It means they haven't been eating for awhile and they will never be able to recover from the damage it has caused.
ya i know how to pick them out my lfs just got some yesterday and im gona wait a week or two to weed out the week ones and make sure they are feeding them the right stuff then make sure they are eating when i pick them out and they have fat bellies as they always need to be eating

what does IMO mean i see a lot of people use but i dont know what it means
ya i know how to pick them out my lfs just got some yesterday and im gona wait a week or two to weed out the week ones and make sure they are feeding them the right stuff then make sure they are eating when i pick them out and they have fat bellies as they always need to be eating

what does IMO mean i see a lot of people use but i dont know what it means

IMO means In My Opinion ;)

and IMO get a bristlenose... :) I'm not saying ottos are a bad fish, on the contrary we love them, but they are really hard to keep happy... we had 8 at one point - in a heavily planted 4ft tank that had been running for over a year... some died quick the rest would die randomly?? they arnt a cheap fish over here so we gave up on them.

bristlenoses on the other hand are great :)
well i really like otos there only 2$ each and a albino bristlenose is 17$ plus tax and i havent been able to find regualr bristlenoses but one lfs said they will eventually get some and they go for 5$ if that makes sense to you since you may not know us currency but i think i will try otos then if they wont work try to convince an lfs to get a brisltnowe
well i really like otos there only 2$ each and a albino bristlenose is 17$ plus tax and i havent been able to find regualr bristlenoses but one lfs said they will eventually get some and they go for 5$ if that makes sense to you since you may not know us currency but i think i will try otos then if they wont work try to convince an lfs to get a brisltnowe

sounds like they are worth a go then ;)
ya ill update you when i hopefully get them next week if they survive and if they dont i might try to get a bristlnose
Muliple similar topics merged and cleaned up.
Thanks Sir...

I was under the impession this was for your 30 gal in your sig not the 2.5!!!

If it is the 2.5 then non of them as the tank is too small to provide a stable environment.

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