should I euthanize?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 25, 2004
Reaction score
Virginia, USA
Hi all,
I am worried. Sorry if this is long, just want to give the whole story. One of my Bettas, Ferdinand, hasn't been well for a week or so. He has been listless, panting (either at the bottom or at the surface), and seems all together grayish (literally he looks like he's turned grayish throughout his whole body, but not really his fins). He's normally a vibrant blue with red combtail, very active with a healthy appetite.

I thought maybe it was because he (and his neighbor, they share a divided 5.5 gal) were overdue for a WC (I was out of the country for 5 days, but did a 50% WC before I left, and they were fed by a neighbor 1x a day). When I came back, I did a 95% WC. At first I thought it was velvet, then finrot... So I treated with IchX...

Well, it's been a week since, and I just did another 95% WC, and Ferdie is still listless and gray, and now he has stopped eating. He looks very thin. I even bought him fresh daphnia and he won't eat... His tankmate (as well as the other 2 in a separate divided tank) seems to be doing just fine however...

What could be wrong? Is he ill or is it old age? Should I euthanize him? It's been 2 weeks with no visible improvement, and I want to do what's best for him. Thanks in advance.

*edited for spelling*
I'd make some other attempts with other meds before going the euth. route.

Can you take him out of the shared tank? IF he does have something catchy, the other one will get it also. It sounds like he's got an infection - now whether it's bacterial or fungal I'm not sure. but, BOTH are highly contagious.

I'd say that your betta's outlook is still really good, just make sure you quarantine him and get him some meds.

Pick up some Maracyn.
Keep your chin up, he has a good chance!

FYI - taken directly from the fish disease guide in the Maracyn (Mardel brands) meds, it says:
symptoms of clamped fins, swollen eyes, heavy or rapid breathing, patchy coloration, change in swimming behavior or corner hiding can be signs of possible bacterial infection.
Apache said:
He has been listless, panting (either at the bottom or at the surface), and seems all together grayish (literally he looks like he's turned grayish throughout his whole body, but not really his fins). He's normally a vibrant blue with red combtail, very active with a healthy appetite.

(and his neighbor, they share a divided 5.5 gal)
GENERAL INFO: If the betta‘s water becomes fouled with uneaten food and fish waste, if it is not well filtered or if the jars are not kept sparkling clean, then bacterial bloom will occur. Bettas with a deficient immune system (when a betta is stressed, because it was scared, or moved or shipped, etc… its immune system will become deficient) will catch whatever is lurking in the water, including the bacterias. They will have a “bacterial infection”. VERY CONTAGIOUS!!

SYMPTOMS: Betta may have clamped fins, lay at bottom or at surface, not eat, lose its color, turn gray, barely swim around. In more advanced cases, its body may start developing red patches, open sores and all kinds of nasty looking stuff. (Even holes in its head!! YIKES!!)
TREATMENT: Do a full water change for jars or a 70% water change for tanks. (To get rid of some of the bacteria present). Clean filter, change filtering system, remove any uneaten food rotting, or any dead fish!!! Salt kills bacteria, so there again, adding salt would be beneficial: Add AQUARIUM salt (1 tablespoon per 5 gallons) (and NOT table salt, duh!!) immediately. Isolate any bettas with symptoms if in a community tank.
You should also treat the whole tank. There is a wide variety of antibiotics available for fish. REMEMBER: if the carbon in your filter is less then a week old, remove it!! The carbon would otherwise absorb all the medication and you would be flushing your money down the tube. Oh, and did I mention money?? Yes, brace yourself, cause your little fishies are gonna cost you a bundle, medication can get pretty darn expensive!!

If the sick bettas are small fries, I truly recommend using Tetracyclin. It has never let me down before. If older, you might try Tetracyclin, or Marcacyn I and II combined, or whatever you find at your store. Go for “broad spectrum” antibiotics, though. Follow manufacturer’s instructions and don’t stop the treatment until your bettas are well again. If betta is jarred, then as usual, figure out how much water your jar contains and divide the quantity of medication accordingly. Capsules are easier then tablets, because one can open a capsule and just sprinkle a tiny itsy bit of powder in jar. Tables, you will have to first crush, then divide. Well, have a blast!!! Oh, and did I mention that both Methylen Blue or Maroxy are very efficient bacteria killers? They seem to prevent the blooming of bacteria and often, if the infection is mild, a simple srop of either of these two products will cure betta. Further more they are INEXPENSIVE (yop, I figured you would like that part!! :)) )
Thanks for the info. There is salt in the tank, temp is at 78.

I will go and get Maracyn today and hope that helps!
Don't give up on Ferdie! I've been medicating my betta since October and was ready to euthanize. I am sooooooo glad I hung in there, using aq. salt, Jungle Fungus Eliminator and finally maracyn. Lots of partial water changes, upped the water temp and he is better now than he ever was. Keep us posted and good luck!

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