Should I / Can I?


Fish Herder
Mar 17, 2010
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I LOVE plecs, i think they are just so cool! BUT i am really put off by their size. The aquarium shops here seem to have loads in stock, and i wonder who buys them all?! I have a 90L tank, which i feel is larger than average. But i do not feel i can have an 18 inch fish in there!

So, are there any smaller plecs i can get? I currently have 2 Corys, which are great, but not quite a plec or a catfish that i want more.

Views please :)
Yeah tons of small plecs a good resource for you to find species that wont outgrow your tank can be found here :)

Thanks for your comments.

Is 15cm not still kinda big? Here is a PHOTO of my tank, it is 90L, and you can see some of my guppys in the photo which are about 4.5cm at a guess. I cannot imagine a 15cm fish in the tank...

Maybe my dimensioning is wrong at it would be fine, but what do you think?

Thanks for the link, i will have a look just now :)
Clown pleco or rubberlip pleco are different and stay small. Bristlenoses are meant to be one of the best at eating algae and stay small.
Bristlenoses are def excellent algae eaters and mine are out most of the time. My clowns are rarely seen,- but don't grow as big as the bn's.
LDA 25 Pleco or "Pitbull Pleco" is a favorite of mine .May be difficult to find, but well worth the effort. Seldom get much larger than adult otocinclus and like the oto's seem to do best in groups.
BN Plec is probably a bit more hardier than some of the other plecs, you will need a pieve of bogwood or mopani, something like that for the BN to rasp on though, some of the other plecs have diferent needs such as temperature or a high water flow for oxygen etc, I had 2 small female Bns and they were very intereting to watch, at the moment I have a larger amle who I don't see much of except in the evening , but he's always happy to receive some veggies :good:
Thanks for all the advise.

I have just added 2 clown plecs to my tank along with some wood which i had to try and find space for! Currently they are hiding away, but i am looking forward to when they come out at night.


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