Should I/can I Get A Snail?


Fish Crazy
Feb 24, 2014
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Hey everyone, 
Quick question, I currently have a 10 gallon lightly planted tank with the following stock:
-1 female betta
-2 african dwarf frogs
-6 pygmy cories (will be added soon)
I was wondering if It would be alright to add a snail to my tank as well? Or would this be too overstocked? 
Thanks :)
It's not really a good idea to keep the frogs with fish. They are best for a species tank. I would say you could get a nerite snail. You don't want to get anything that will breed in this tank though. You might not want to get more than one either. They poop a lot.
Ok, good to know that they produce lots of waste. The main purpose I wanted one was to eat the algae but i guess it would just be counter productive if they were just making even more waste. I'll probably hold off on getting a snail. 

Also, I know that the frogs would have a hard time competing for food against the fish, so I am feeding them both individually with tweezers. 

Thanks for your replies :)

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