Should I buy this fish?


New Member
Aug 26, 2003
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I want to start keeping a type of fish called Discus? I found this on aquabid. My freinds have some and they're very relaxing It helped my blood pressure instantly. check the link. I am not sure if i should bid my freinds are telling me that $45.00 is a steal unless it gets bidded up. here is the link.

If anyone can tell me if it quality I'll be sure to make the bid. thanks in advance
have u kept fish before?

i think these are a speciality fish and not for beginners

ask dolphin coz he owns lots of discus and will have lots of info

i agree they are a lovely fish and very very relaxing

Tek :fish:
I agree with tek...discus are a difficult fish...i was thinking about getting a pair but decided against it...from what i gathered from everyone else and a little reaseach is they are a difficult so unless you have experience with fish i would say to try a different fish.....
I know this will sound mean and people reading this might think I am being mean, but it's not meant to be at all.

If you have to ask if you should keep them, then it's probably not a good idea, imo.

Discus need more firm water params and are more delicate from the people I know that have them. I've never kept them personally and there are others here, like Dolphin, that has forgotten more about Discus than I'll ever know, but you should research as much as possible and keep asking questions (like this, actually) before you get into it.

If Dolphin says anything different than I, you might want to listen to that instead of what I say tho.

I do commend you for finding out about a fish before you buy one though. That in and of itself deserves a tremendous amount of respect!

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